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    Yeah, the unenthusiastic article headline seemed a bit at odds with the plot summary, which sounded kind of awesome. Then you said this:

    What was the budget of this movie? $500?

    What was the budget of this movie? $500?

    "a 23-year-old artist who moves in with a wealthy family while closely collaborating with a sound-design wizard played by Krasinski"
    Whatever art the characters here are making sounds way, way more interesting than this movie

    "a 23-year-old artist who moves in with a wealthy family while closely collaborating with a sound-design wizard played by Krasinski"
    Whatever art the characters here are making sounds way, way more interesting than this movie

    "About a year and a half ago, I found myself aboard a Carnival cruise ship as part of Kid Rock’s Chillin’ The Most Cruise. I was covered in blood, and could not remember how I got there."

    "About a year and a half ago, I found myself aboard a Carnival cruise ship as part of Kid Rock’s Chillin’ The Most Cruise. I was covered in blood, and could not remember how I got there."

    Under Bayh-Dole, fewer than used to be the case :(

    Under Bayh-Dole, fewer than used to be the case :(

    I'm just saying, if your U.N. ambassador does not actually believe the U.N. should exist, he's simply not going to do an effective job there.

    I'm just saying, if your U.N. ambassador does not actually believe the U.N. should exist, he's simply not going to do an effective job there.

    "shut down the patent office, and sign all inventions over to Big Brother"

    "shut down the patent office, and sign all inventions over to Big Brother"

    "Embarrassed, she pretends to be pregnant"

    "Embarrassed, she pretends to be pregnant"



    It's also the same song as the opening credits

    It's also the same song as the opening credits

    What makes Red Dwarf some of the best sci-fi TV ever is that it presents a vision of space travel where the starship actually has bathrooms.