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    Holy shit

    Huh, my electrolysis could have paid for itself

    I really *really* liked 12 bar blues. I never owned a STP album but 12 bar blues was heavy rotation for me. It's a weird album with a lot of problems but it just… if you listen to that album, pop music doesn't feel rigid or confining at all. There's just so much casual experimentation in it it makes me imagine a world

    Do you ever watch a movie and sense it would be better watched dubbed in another language and without subtitles


    Okay this is… yes. This book would have been literally the worst thing you could have given to me when I was a teenager

    Well, it's enough to get me to avoid a movie by itself, so I really quite appreciate Rabin / the onion pointing it out whenever it's present.

    The dude in the bra is pretty cute… too bad it's apparently part of a gay panic gag? :/

    "There are simple explanations for these incidents "
    How do you explain the family pictures being stolen…?

    Is this… good? This sounds like it might be good. The LOL nazis stuff sounds super lazy but some of the things about the setup are legitimately clever.

    The mother will turn out to be Michael Scott

    I really wanna stress the Nintendo game of this was SO GOOD, both just as a game unto itself and for how it did a good job of game-izing and elevating the cartoon. "Licensed game" is usually synonymous with "awful" but Capcom made a string of really good licensed games with Disney about this time, there were some

    "albeit with the fantastical twist of its characters actually getting jobs after graduating. You’ll have to just go with that. "

    "Jason Schwartzman…"

    "that spoofing progressivism is difficult in that liberal progressives are in actuality, highly variable"

    Wait, now you've got my interest

    "The Goode Family is unrelentingly nasty in its depiction of the self-delusion and misplaced priorities of the progressive mindset. In a singularly cynical episode named “Freeganomics,” the family works itself into a tizzy preparing for a visit by a legendary German freegan named Heinrich whose reputation as a

    The preview I saw seemed to mostly consist ENTIRELY of (a possibly unedited clip of) those opening few minutes the review here praises, which made it seem like a reversed-protagonist Zombieland. I assumed the rest of the movie would just continue along those same lines, which would leave it maybe a little bit

    I really want to see this, I want to go in unspoiled so I'm not reading this review until after I do, but looking at the website they say they literally don't have a distributor and the only way to see it is to attend SXSW so [long string of curse words]

    Yes, but in exchange for all the miserable dying people and lives shattered, we get LIBERTY.