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    What makes Red Dwarf some of the best sci-fi TV ever is that it presents a vision of space travel where the starship actually has bathrooms.

    There aren't really any reliable statistics on the number of gay people in the US and what studies have been done vary wildly between 2% and 10%.

    There aren't really any reliable statistics on the number of gay people in the US and what studies have been done vary wildly between 2% and 10%.

    A similar question: Have *any* of the transgender characters been portrayed by transgender actors or actresses, ever?

    A similar question: Have *any* of the transgender characters been portrayed by transgender actors or actresses, ever?

    Right before I left Indiana, my car got broken into and someone stole all the CDs that were in it. There were a lot of painful losses in there, but the worst was the loss of most of my Mathletes albums. This is a problem because The Mathletes are a one-person band consisting of a guy named Joe I knew in high school

    Right before I left Indiana, my car got broken into and someone stole all the CDs that were in it. There were a lot of painful losses in there, but the worst was the loss of most of my Mathletes albums. This is a problem because The Mathletes are a one-person band consisting of a guy named Joe I knew in high school

    The original Frankenweenie short was *really good*!

    The original Frankenweenie short was *really good*!

    I'd never heard of this movie, so I stared at this comment trying to figure it out and then suddenly I had this song stuck in my head

    I'd never heard of this movie, so I stared at this comment trying to figure it out and then suddenly I had this song stuck in my head

    Trans Panic: The Movie

    Trans Panic: The Movie

    So meanwhile, back in the real world, transgender prisoners in America are generally treated horribly. Usually they are sorted with their legal gender rather than their gender of identity; of course, someone who has been partially through medical transition and no longer looks like like a man being jailed with a bunch

    So meanwhile, back in the real world, transgender prisoners in America are generally treated horribly. Usually they are sorted with their legal gender rather than their gender of identity; of course, someone who has been partially through medical transition and no longer looks like like a man being jailed with a bunch

    AV Club editors: Their preferred collective name, last I heard, was now "The Wachowski Starship" rather than "The Wachowskis", and even if that wasn't their preferred name or that whole thing was a joke you should call them that anyway because that is AWESOME.

    AV Club editors: Their preferred collective name, last I heard, was now "The Wachowski Starship" rather than "The Wachowskis", and even if that wasn't their preferred name or that whole thing was a joke you should call them that anyway because that is AWESOME.

    "a Marine World trainer (Marion Cotillard) who has her legs bitten off by a killer whale and a drifter (Matthias Schoenaerts) who uses his MMA skills to earn money in black-market street-fighting. "

    "a Marine World trainer (Marion Cotillard) who has her legs bitten off by a killer whale and a drifter (Matthias Schoenaerts) who uses his MMA skills to earn money in black-market street-fighting. "

    I wonder if there is anyone earth who in the last six months would have sat down and said— hey, you what I would really like? Another TV show that resembles Family Guy.