Michael Nagle

Little Girl Lost is a great episode but let's be honest: Simpsons did an amazing job with the same story. Homer3 (cubed) might be the best Halloween segment and it's all thanks to this show.

You know that mock, throw up sound Stephen Colbert does sometimes?

Am I the only one hoping the guy who stayed to look at the view was gonna jump? They were so setting up for that to happen and it didn't. Guess it would have been too dark for this show but it would have been hilarious if they did it.

To be fair on 'The Sixth Gun' comments, I can kinda see where they're coming from. Yes, shows like Walking Dead and now SHIELD are showing that comic book adaptations are going somewhere. But a Western, involving magic and fantasy elements, is a tough sell for anyone. Westerns don't have that big of a draw anymore and

Well my TV habits this Fall are pretty grim right now. Even with CBS coming out tomorrow I know my schedule is basically this:

Apart from the new shows, which we can't really judge till they come out, the new line up for NBC is pretty dismal. Apart from Community I have no desire to see any of the recurring shows the network has to offer. Let's just pray that some of these new shows are decent.

The first time I think that's ever been said on the show. Unfortunately it wouldn't be the last.

I remember when I first saw this I didn't like it. It felt way too mean for Homer to just dish out secrets like that and for a while it made me think he wasn't a great fit for Marge. Of course that was the point of the episode in a lot of ways and now a days this is a very hilarious episode. It's a great jump for

I heard a rumor that Mark Ruffalo MAY be in the first episode of SHIELD. And he may (or may not) become the Hulk too. That would be a good way to introduce the series to show they are dedicated to make this integral to the movies but be it's own entity. I'm really excited to see if this can work.

I definitely would love to see this when it eventually comes out.

I remember being a kid and watching 'Jason and the Argonauts' in school. It was so amazing seeing these skeletons come to life and actually fight the real actors on screen. Now a days we look at it and it is kinda crude/primitive. But still it is quite astonishing what Harryhausen (and I'm sure a bevy of assistants)

I'm fine with the usual, status quo because it was still entertaining. I agree though that they did stop focusing so much on the Cops themselves and the more thrilling moments. There was one moment where we saw a Cop shoot a guy, point blank, because he was threatening him.

….What the fuck?

This show is still on?

This is…..weird.

If this is true I will definitely give it a shot. Seth Meyers can be really funny outside SNL (and he is funny on there too) so him hosting a talk show could be great!

That's true.

The board members are clearly representing the network. The whole 'we got ideas to make this better' was as obvious as they come.

So we're finally going to be seeing Max being the first person to mumble being gay in 'Real World: Sacramento'?

Of course that fucking imbecile named Glenn Beck made sure became a thing.