Michael Nagle

Is it sexist for me wanting to have Andrea die? She is such a bad character but part of me feels awkward because there's so few female leads left on this show. Maybe if the writers didn't do such a shitty job translating her character I wouldn't be rooting for her to die.

I can find Tang pretty easily to be honest. I still remember the commercials with the monkey's when I was younger.

The Tang joke and callback is one of my all time favorite jokes. Seriously, I repeat it as often as anything else on this show. The fact that Clinton, in the callback, asks Homer how he got this number and we don't hear it is what sells it.

I honestly can't imagine why this is going to last another season (at least). The energy is barely there with the show and the ratings seem even lower than usual.

For me, it cements that if he gets really good material Ken Jeong can be really funny. Of course he's always been great on this show but tonight he had some great stuff here. The opening alone made me laugh so hard from him not knowing what a microscope is to a giant shot of his face circling the screen.

Am I the only one that finds it hard to not laugh when Charlie Day talks? He only has to open his mouth and I'm in stitches…..Okay maybe too much hyperbole.

That's a shame we aren't going to be seeing a movie any time soon. Cause lord knows the first movie has been the funniest thing about The Simpsons since Season 12.

It really makes no sense to show that scene at the end of the Governor announcing his deal with Rick on Michonne is bullshit. You could have had a build up to it and make us wonder if Rick is going to go along with it. But then sweep it all away with the Governor telling Rick he was lying and start mowing them down.

Would it kill them to show some Frisky Dingo?

Really glad to see this series get some love. It's a quirky title and DC is just letting it fall to the wayside after their initial push of it. You're right on how it is deconstructing the superhero mythology and the sidekick got some weird angles this time around. Basically it feels like Mieville has a sexual theme

Ever since the last review pointed it out I can't help but notice how cheap this show looks. The study room looks alright but man, it was so hard not to tell Brolin's house and Shirley's house was a set. I don't know if it was how it was staged or shot but it look way too clean. Sometimes it looked like a green screen

Really not sure about this.

That could work too! Since Comedy Central does NOTHING for Friday's I would love to see it.

Oh god this takes me back.

Only to the point where David is trapped on Coney Island. Spielberg took it up a notch and have the futuristic robots/aliens save him.

John Oliver taking over is very good news. I hope he gets a spin off (that isn't stand up related) because of this. How about a BBC News parody to go along with the Colbert Report? Have a news program that goes OUTSIDE the U.S. or makes fun of U.S. news with a British tone?

Not sure how I feel about this.

That is an awesome photo….

@avclub-39df51c015ce671b473b8cf5a306d217:disqus @avclub-df106893a4574bccb7bce1ff66e788b9:disqus Well the original does sound a hell of a lot better. Will definitely put that in my netflix queue…..if Netflix had the original film. God damn it.

Seriously, why the fuck isn't every episode this good or at least a tiny notch below it? This felt so much like the first episode in tone and everything just worked. It makes no sense why it had to go downhill so damn far when the show proves it can produce A+ level material like this.