
Start reading the second book now!

You're going to enjoy the next couple of seasons.

My boyfriend has read the books and will not watch the tv show with me because he can’t stand to SEE how dumb Claire is.

Me: “Hey babe, will you do that one thing you do that I love so much?”

I hope this becomes a thing on the Internet: calling out the horrible government fucks and having your buddy film it and post it for us all to see and be inspired to do the same.

I hope this becomes a thing: spotting the horrible out in nature and having a friend record the call out.

I’ve never been with a woman, but Neko Case is on mine! Also Shirley Manson. My boyfriend is slightly worried that my list is all red haired women and no men.

I got an “American Wave” perm last year. Look it up. I loved it. According to them, not necessarily the size of the rollers, it’s how the hair is rolled on particular rollers.

Same. Worked there for 9 months, the produce i didn’t know the numbers to (i sort of refused to memorize that shit) I would just stick on the scale, pretend to type codes, and then stick in their disgusting reusable shopping bags.

I’ve been telling my boyfriend that I would be GREAT at this job. I love tedious tasks, and this one would be the grandest of all.

My old therapist asked me what kind of woman I wanted to be. My reply: “Tammi Taylor”

Show them!!

I'm 31, just got a job making 17.20/hr, and I thought I was doing pretty good! Realizing now I'm not as hot as I thought.

Agreed, but he went to school across the country nowhere near Colorado. Equal parts “why would someone choose that outfit?” and “he really goes to school here? why didn’t anyone tell me?”

A friend of mine, while attending a college halloween party, dressed up as JonBenet Ramsy......turns out that the real life JonBenet’s brother went to the same college and turned up at the same party. Party havers kicked my friend out of the party once he showed up. I made that same face when she told me that story.

I don’t understand Heritage. I have lived in the south for 2 years now, and I really don’t get what it means. Do I owe something to some dumb family member of mine to marry an abusive man and have 5 kids within 6 years because that’s what many generations of mine did? Fuck no. I’m fine being me and making my own


My 90 year old grandmother who is all there in the brain with a body that is failing her, is having a risky as hell surgery tomorrow. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is it for her. Not looking for sympathy, just looking to say publicly that I love her and her terrible/amazing attitude. She reminds me of this woman.


I have the Mirena. Please check it out, and I hope you find a good doc soon!