
My best friend passed away over the weekend and she was cremated in her all black nikes, black skinny jeans, boy friend’s tshirt, and this big old black sweater she wore all the time. I didn’t know you could be cremated wearing something so in this crazy sad time I was so happy to know she was wearing that.

I’ll be in the highlands in October as well, hiking from Fort William to Inverness. I cannot wait!

No, because fashion producers and buyers are working 2-3 seasons ahead of what’s coming into stores now.

I live in Richmomd VA were there is Monument Avenue, that has many LARGE statues of confederate ass holes. It’s horrible. But every year there is more and more talk about how and if to get rid of them. I hope to see the day they come down.

I met a British man couple of years ago and started dating him for or this reason! Now we are in love, living together, have pet ducks in our backyard, and the dick decides that now after brixit he never wants to go back. I fell for the worst British dude ever. ;)

I remember that half my class didn’t come to school that day when she died. So sad. Love to Salina!!!

I nearly stood up and cheered from my couch when I just watched this trailer. I’m a little scared how I’m going to react when seeing the final film. Tears and cheers!

I would still keep my IUD if my partner had a vasectomy because it makes my life so much better not dealing with my horrible periods I used to have.

I just had first IUD removed and my second IUD put in on Monday. It hurts, but so did fucking up my shoulder a few weeks ago. And at least this pain keeps me from having babies and periods and cramps!

Woman up and get the IUD! Mine will need replacing in the middle of Trump’a reign, but I’m going in on Monday to get a new fresh one. That way I can keep a piece of Obama with me for the next 5 years. <3.

Today I called a doctor’s office I’ve never been to but who excepts my new insurance (Planned Parenthood doesn’t take what I have apparently) and scheduled a yearly exam and new Mirena. My appointment is on Monday. They didn’t ask questions. If they do ask when I’m there, I’ll say I had this one implanted in December

Since I’ve moved a lot and changed doctors so many times because of changes in insurance, I figure there is no way for them to nail down when I got my IUD, at least until it’s out of me and another one has be inserted.

Mine is up in 2018, can I just go get a new one if I want it? I don’t want to gamble not being able to afford another one, not to mention not able to afford to have it taken out, when that time comes. I life across the country from where I had it implanted, will they know I’m lying on the expiration date?

I’m from the same town as the writer of Wide Open Spaces in Texas, and in 2004 I went to the same bluegrass and audio engineering college as Natalie Maines went to. When I showed up, I was STOKED I was going to the same school as her, but everyone was trying to erase that she went there.

Years ago I attended my first and only comic con with a friend who had a press pass, and since he’s married and I was single at the time, he signed me up for “sci-if speed dating” so he could have another thing to write about.

THIS is how they’re starting Trump’s TV channel and winning viewers from Fox.

I’m confused, I thought they were the same thing!! Sorry!

My boyfriend has invested through Lending Club. The most any one person receives from him is about $20, so when someone is loaned $2000, there are 100 people doing the lending. There was one guy who received a loan through Lending Club and who died, my boyfriend and others all lost $20-ish. The other hundreds of

Had an X-ray on my shoulder 2 weeks ago a few days after I fell on it and they said I needed an MRI. 2 weeks after the injury I am certain I will probably require surgery, so waiting until next year, and hopefully better insurance, until I book the MRI and what comes after it.

I loved the Outlander books because they felt like historical fiction more than anything to me. I think because girl can write a mighty good sex scene, the times there is sex in the story, makes romance readers freak the fuck out and claim it as their own.