The hardest part about going all out on a costume is finding a party where it will be appreciated. It’s not as much fun being the only badass in a room full of witch hats and devil horns.
The hardest part about going all out on a costume is finding a party where it will be appreciated. It’s not as much fun being the only badass in a room full of witch hats and devil horns.
i believe what he is saying is that god sent the iceburg to punish man for transitioning from an agrarian economy to a manufacturing economy
The creeper totally misjudged the wisdom of naming her as a defendant in his lawsuit. Sue the station for wrongful termination? Fine, maybe they give you some money to go away. Sue Tay-Tay? She has more money than God and will happily spend a bazillion to tear you to shreds. So we knew he was gross and now we know…
what’s up with those gloves? could she not take the time to put them all the way on?
It’s crazy, not even rich and famous as fuck Taylor Swift is immune to getting groped by a creeper. Like, let that sink in.
Why are we surprised that our students react to things with violence when they are shown that is how they should react? Adults (teachers, officers, parents) need to set the example, and I don’t think it’s such a leap to say that the example shouldn’t be fucking body slamming teenagers.
I have done this, actually. I was in a convenience store with a thin friend. I am not thin. We were buying slushies to add alcohol to, and she was holding one and I was holding 2 more, one for me and one for a friend who was in the car. The cashier said “oh one for her because she’s little and 2 for you because you’re…
Seriously. I don’t understamd how this even happened. Like... what the fuck?
Whew! I will only buy Hebrew Nationals for this very reason, and also because they’re the only hot dog that doesn’t taste like rubbery ass to me.
Though I’m not a member of the tribe, Hebrew National dogs are the only big(ish) brand hot dog I buy. Perhaps unreasonably, I trust the kosher certification more than an FDA inspection. I will be distressed if they are contaminated with some dude’s funky toe or what have you.
I hope the counter-protester makes a new sign that says “this man is a registered sex offender” and stands next to that dude every chance he gets.
“ He just kept saying we’re oppressive white men who want to control women’s lives and stuff.”
RIGHT? Like don’t you think the other protesters would be like “hey man, so we already look pretty bad, but you push us over the edge. plz donate and pray for us, but maybe don’t show your face at events, k? god’s blessings.”
So um maybe dangerous sexual predators shouldn’t be allowed there?
I think it’s weird that everyone is mad about her tone and word choice for not being nice enough, but then freaks out over time out chairs that tell girls to be nice, not sassy and ugly. I get that “stop it” comes off more hardcore than just “stop”. But I could see any actor telling an assistant doing that, “Stop it”…
This is heartbreaking. :( My son was a very sensitive baby and little boy who cried a lot, was easily frustrated, and hated being separated from me, just as the piece quoted above says. I think and hope that I nurtured him tenderly and gave him what he needed emotionally, but it makes me so sad to imagine that some…
Yo I am late to this Dirt Bag but how has no one talked about Sean Penn and Amy Schumer yet?! Worse yet they were at a Madonna concert! Wtf! (Sorry for all the exclamation marks but I have very strong negative feelings about this topic)
Bernie has a better chance in the general than Hillary.