
Rex Ryan would nurse those feet back to health. Day and night, tirelessly working. Without thanks, without pay, without reciprocated feelings. That is what love is. Being there when you aren’t asked to be. Seeing the foot for what it is ON THE INSIDE and not for what it is on the outside, because that’s where true

Suicide. Is there a shortcut this guy won’t take?

Fighting is part of the game.

Chicken pot pies are not bullshit. Sure, if you spent $5 on a Marie Callender one that takes an hour to bake, la de dah mister moneybags, but the real trick here is to get the Banquet chicken pot pies, you know, the ones in the red box that are five for five bucks if not cheaper.

I think Samer’s point with regard to Rap is that his tendency to add dramatic flourishes skews the actual news he’s trying to convey. It would be like a weatherman making allusions to a Biblical flood when it’s just going to rain all day. It’s not necessary and some viewers are going to get the wrong idea.

Fun fact: “The Touching is, To Me, Off Limits,” was the original title of MC Hammer’s 1990 breakthrough single. 

“Furkan Korkmaz” is the phonetic spelling of “fuckin’ coke, man” as sung by Scott Stapp.

First he was a replacement caddy

Chik-fil-a and Oregon. #corrections

Hey Peterman. This chick look like Ann to you?”

I’m 6'4", 240. Either

Never said I was.

Like when Glenallen Hill reached out to Cecil Fielder. These are true Yankee greats.

Coincidentally, A-Rod became a jerk-off in a cup.

I like to get a ball on the fork about the size of a medium-sized dog’s testicle, with about 3 to 4 inches hanging down that you suck in.

“A dong for a dong” -Exodus 21 and drunk at a Tigers game

My wife (not an IBanker) and I were at home the other night and suddenly she's like "Oh man, Chase needs me to verify something." because she just received a random text message saying "This is Chase Bank. Account verification is needed, please click [link]." I started yelling at her "No, no, no, no!! Don't click the