The shooting’s the sharpest part by default. My issue is more they’ve made the system for buying and investigating sites even more finicky in a game where you handle like a fucking articulated lorry.
The shooting’s the sharpest part by default. My issue is more they’ve made the system for buying and investigating sites even more finicky in a game where you handle like a fucking articulated lorry.
I’ve had two white housemates, one of whom definitely was raped in prison (because he told me) and the other was a hippie who did Federal time for LSD synthesis who was a pathological liar who yelled one time at the top of his lungs, “I’m not going to be someone’s bitch!!”.
I don’t know anyone who hated Fallon for breaking. I do know a shitload of people who hated him for constantly and pretty obviously faking it because he figured out that the audience found it endearing when someone lost it. Nothing about it looked natural when he did it. He even sometimes would look directly into the…
Well, it was the Christian thing to do.
Good to know that Jemele has been replaced by a pod person.
Agree with all the stuff you two are saying on Mario. Nintendo is straddling this weird line between Mario being an actual character and Mario just being a necessary puppet for the player to control. And the end result is something that’s pretty weird if you think about it. Although I was talking to someone about…
Super-sonic ravens, dragons and Gendrys
School me on why New Urbanism is so bad. Because from the description, it doesn’t sound like a fundamentally terrible idea, just that the execution has been lacking in some places. As someone without any kind of architecture/urban planning background, there might just be something I’m missing.
“allegedly growing in popularity”
I kept being a Kyrie fan after he said the earth was flat even though I couldn’t stop thinking about it every time I saw him. But fuck this guy. He would have been flailing around with a losing Cleveland team without Lebron. Go ahead and get the fuck out, Kyrie.
All I’s looking for was someone superior to Pitbull. You really want me to pull out the Andre 3000 gun to shoot Pitbull?
Based on the title, I was expecting a more cuddly type of bat.
than a guy who once was a few botched playcalls away from winning the Super Bowl
This is fucking horrible.
I thought Edwards did get some contact on that? I’d link to the video, but man it’s disturbing.
This is why I feel the reaction in this article is a bit unfounded. Interpret it as you may but it seems like the game made it very clear there is a merchant who “found a way to sneak into the gerudo town” this implies the game makes no joke about trans people or those who cross dress but instead pokes fun at the…
I was always told by my Hispanic friends in school that “puto” meant something similar to “whore” or “bitch”, and that “maricon” was the homophobic slur of choice in Spanish. Learn something new I guess.
Educate yourself