Unequivocal Twisk

Because it's a fictional character, so real science can't entirely prove it?

I feel like I'm one of the few people who really think Ben Affleck can do a good job with the role.

Oh daymn, I had that one too! One of the very few Decepticons I had. I also had a pair of those flip-bots that Mike mentions, I can't remember what they were called. They had those spring wheels where you would pull them back, then they would go forward for a short distance, then spring open and (hopefully) land on

You've just awakened a long dormant, but very strong and visceral memory of those two click-clacking together when I was, like, four years old!

I remember having that one and showing it to my dad by pitching, "Look! It may appear as though I got two new Transformers today, but..." Click, pop... "It's actually just one Transformer!"

I had one that transformed into both a truck and a jumbo jet. This one was my favorite, called Octane

I had that one! There was another with a helicopter and...a jeep, maybe? These were pretty clever.

I loved that toy. I also loved those heat sensitive stickers!

There's a space missing between the comma and N of "natural". By 2017 are there also no copyeditors?

not to be that guy... But, I wish they had this mod for the console version. ;-; PC gaming needs to share it's cool mods with consoles.

I have Yatse on my tablet but the problem with that is it's overly complicated for someone not familiar with it and useless if you leave the house with the device and someone at home wants to watch something.

Vote: GBox Midnight MX2

I use the Ouya, runs the latest version of XBMC without a hitch, I can connect an external drive, stream HD (pretty much any video format, inluding DVD iso's) content from my PC via wifi or ethernet, and (although I don't use it) you can play a variety of android games. Also it's possible to sideload apps such as

How's the weather up there on your sixty-foot horse?

Dr. Strangeluigi or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Wii U

That's cool, because it was created in 2003.

Really cool thank you! I just swittched from iphone to android!!

Awww. Dogs. I like cats better, but I have to admit if I were lost I'd rather be lost with a dog.

I like to write responses to trolls then hit cancel. It tricks my mind into thinking I had the last word.