Unequivocal Twisk

I enjoy watching people play video games, I really do. Having said that, I’ve tried to watch Pewdipie a few times and have tried to stay open minded. ...but it’s like listening/watching fingernails going down a chalk board over and over again.

Yaaaay! Everyone’s having fun!

But I just downloaded it, about 10 minutes after your post which reads that you can’t. It’s installing right now to my Xbox One.

I remember enjoying Fable III. What was it about Fable III that Molyneux feels was his biggest mistake?

I missed the original article along with the ‘offending’ comments.

I think a follow-up article, interviewing High Voltage Software on just what the hell happened here, would be extremely interesting (and juicy).

I’m pleasantly surprised to see Space Giraffe and Small Arms make the list!! Awesome!

I miss this game so much. My 360 died and I’m not gettin’ a new one, holding out hope that this’ll hit backwards compatibility soon.

Awesome, thank you!

The only thing I’d disagree with is putting TPM last, I’d put AOTC dead last. ...but that’s just me.

Who is that?! Wow!

The GTA V and Gears of War trailers always stand out to me as the two best video game trailers I’ve ever seen.

I give this revised approach a solid 9.5!

Please please please become backwards compatible for the Xbox One [finger’s crossed]!!

I know, hard work and all that. Just not worth it.

Wow! I hope this is one of the mods that makes it to the Xbox One version once the mods start hitting there too. :)

Could you imagine if Bethesda used a new engine for once and actually made Fallout look like this? As in, this exact style, hand drawn.

Master Ninja Tournament DLC for Ninja Gaiden (original Xbox).

I’m hoping he’s a prototype and that they’ll end up making more. Seems like quite a handy design.