
How about the amazing exchange between Price and Sherrod Brown?

Ugh. It’s not surprising, but it’s very disheartening.

In other awful news, multiple news outlets reporting that 45 will sign an executive order forcing through the DAPL and Keystone pipelines.

A LOT of articles I read about it this morning did the same thing, even ones on conservative-leaning websites (The Hill, as one example). I have a feeling that if the Trump administration keeps doing this type of thing, the media is going to be more protective of itself and less likely to try and make nice with the

Slightly related: oops.

The words “American carnage” were uttered. What. the. fuck.

I listened to most of the hearing today. There was a bit of tough questioning, and I particularly enjoyed when Leahy forced Sessions to admit that “grabbing women by the genitals” is sexual assault. But for the most part it was fairly easy for him. And while I disagree with his stance on basically everything, and the

He is seriously the most patriotic person in this country. He believes so much in the good of Americans, that we can and deserve to be better.

Trump is losing his shit on Twitter already. What I don’t understand is what exactly he is saying is false news — the report? But what about the fact that intelligence officials briefed Obama and Trump about these claims, even though they were unverified? Is he going to say he was never briefed?

Pretty sure the point is that he can have her in photo ops so he can say his policies aren’t racist because hey! he has a black friend!

Pretty sure your sister and I are in the same relationship, yeesh. And I’m not THAT young, sadly (29). It’s not like I’m dying to get married—-just want to be loved, I guess.

Right? Like if you didn’t love me, WHY string me along? What is the freaking POINT?? I am currently alternating between thinking I’m well rid of him and uncontrollable sadness. It’s the worst!!

It sucked.

The problem is we are in school together and this is our last semester. So I think I wanted me to say “oh let’s stay together until school is done.” But, um, no, because I’d rather get over loving him NOW rather than when I’m trying to study for the bar.

Well, 2016 ended with my boyfriend of 2+ years telling me he doesn’t love me and then asking, “So, what should we do?” To which I replied, “Break up, I guess.” Fuck this shitty year and shitty people. What a colossal waste of time and energy.

The problem with the media reporting it is Trump did such an efficient hit job on the media that any time they report on something like this, his supporters are all HERP DERP CLINTON NEWS NETWORK HERP DERP DISHONEST MEDIA. It’s infuritating.

Surprise level: 0.

It’s amazing to me (I guess it shouldn’t be) that someone who has no government or policy experience has decided that the best solution for his lack of experience is....surrounding himself with people who have no experience.

I mean....what are his qualifications for the position? I just makes NO SENSE to me.

The current frontrunner now is apparently an Exxon Mobil executive (Rex Tillerson). A giant WTF in a tsunami of fuckery.