
It’s amazing to me (I guess it shouldn’t be) that someone who has no government or policy experience has decided that the best solution for his lack of experience is....surrounding himself with people who have no experience.

I mean....what are his qualifications for the position? I just makes NO SENSE to me.

The current frontrunner now is apparently an Exxon Mobil executive (Rex Tillerson). A giant WTF in a tsunami of fuckery.

My joy is seriously tempered by the news that an Exxon Mobil exec is apparently the frontrunner for the position. WTF??

I just don’t understand how an Ace employee would be in a position to determine what items could be used by protesters.

I thought this was a fake DJT tweet. Then I went to Twitter and he actually said this. Good lord.

Richard Fromage. Dick Cheese.

Can someone explain to me what happens to the Senate seats if senators take Cabinet positions?

At this point? They would probably blame the media because they are somehow responsible for his ill-preparedness, along with everything else.

It might. It’s a long shot, but it’s not inconceivable that the Republican majority would want to avoid these conflicts of interest.


Sorry, no.


Great! Now if only they’d stop using leather.... (I know, I know, never gonna happen)

Yes! I am going through this right now. My boobs are so sore I want to cry. But I just can’t afford the $60/month to stay with the name brand.

I have no trouble believing this. I recently switched to the generic of Ortho TriCyclen Lo and I definitely can feel that my body is reacting differently.

Under my plan, generics are free, name brand is $60 a month. Highway robbery.

I’ve had the same problem....the minute I say, “Well, it’s a show on Lifetime,” I can see people’s eyes glaze over. No amount of “....but it’s actually REALLY REALLY GOOD YOU NEED TO WATCH IT” has worked yet.