Hallway fight levels up! It’s glorious!
Hallway fight levels up! It’s glorious!
I don’t think it’s a very bad idea.
Prometheus was so bad it took away any desire to see this upcoming sequel, i haven’t even seen a trailer.
Sorry I was much more interested in Blomkamps’ story than the piece of shit that Ridley will vomit. Prometheus was one of THE stupidest science fiction films I have ever seen. I have zero faith that Prometheus 2: Xenomorph Boogaloo will be any better.
Translation: “I crushed that fucking thing like a bug under my shoe. This is my gravy train, goddamnit!”
I would have bought a ticket to see Neil Blomkamp’s Alien movie.
I feel really sorry for Ewan, he did the character justice, over came some terrible direction. Basically was the one bright spot in all of the prequels. He seems to love the character and the universe. But he also is only known in the universe for playing a version of a character in the Prequels. You know the movie…
Ewan McGregor was the only thing that made the prequels remotely watchable. The only downside was that he so thoroughly acted the pants off of Christensen and Portmann that they looked terrible by comparison.
It even says “Jew” right next to her head.
Negan does not make the show. In many opionions his character has been one of the biggest problems with the show. His character got old after a few episodes. We get it. Bad guy.
Seriously what’s the appropriate reason for a married person to go out for a meal alone with a member of the other sex
So if these are off limits to you do you know where I can find the hulk hogan sex tape?
I think it’s hilarious you tell a guy to Fuck Off, but meanwhile you did the worst thing anyone could have done and called attention to it. YOU wrote the article. YOU let people know it exists.
So you can take your high road and act like white knight, meanwhile you site racks up money by spreading this information.
“Fuck off,” says the parasite who’s profiting off these leaks. Nice big picture of Watson to get all the curious guys clicking through. Nice of you to list all the names of the women who’ve been embarrassed by this, too. You should take your own advice, here. Give me a fucking break.
You’re fucking hilarious. Nobody forced you to write a story for clicks thereby bringing attention to it. I wouldn’t have even known it existed if it weren’t for you. You’re barely one stop above the actual leakers. #profiteer
Hey, remember when Gawker did pretty much the same damn thing and it was “ok” by everyone at Gizmodo? How’s this any different?
Amazon launches a radio station built on fighting a fictional (yet literal) Nazi regime that has taken over America.
Classic Trump supporters. I wonder if there’s a certain point where they look at themselves in the mirror...
It’s telling that their knee-jerk reaction to an anti-nazi channel is to angrily oppose it.