Twirlip of the Mists

The longer I watch this SpaceX thing unfold, the more I believe that Elon Musk might just not be crazy. If this technology can be done reliably, it can be scaled up immensely - as in, scaled up to 4,000+ tonne multi-core rockets, with completely reusable first stages. Depending on design and the addition of a little

Controversial opinion...Alec Baldwin was the best Jack Ryan.

Everybody should be their job. 24/7. Not one second for a little levity. Is that it?

I was on a flight on Air France, Paris to SFO, when a doctor was requested. I saw nobody respond, so I asked the flight attendant if I, being an RN, could help.

The problem is guns. Not mental illness, not misogyny, not male entitlement. Those are other problems, with other solutions. The problem causing mass shootings is guns.

Biased in favor of... facts?

Every day I’m forced to add new names to the list of people who piss me off.

While no scientific studies have clearly shown a link between vaccines and autism, I’m definitely seeing one between Scientology and anti-vaxxer lunacy.

Thank you: “The problem isn’t that this episode included a rape, but that it did so in the service of bad storytelling. It told the audience nothing that wasn’t already known, and it didn’t advance any plot lines beyond where they already were.”

I can't believe the ONE time an author gets unprecedented creative control over a film adaptation, it's fucking E.L James and 50 Shades of Grey.

Let's be fair: Stephanie Meyer should get some of the blame for the books as well.


You can't change the past, that's impossible. It's not that you can't try, but you simply can't; the original 12 Monkeys does a great job of elucidating this.

I've always wanted to have kids, but now I'm starting to have serious doubts. It has less to with what's going on in the news now and more to do with what he world will be like due to global warming.

That's a whole lotta narcissism, don't you think?

I think that's very unfair — a lot of people wanted a meaningful ending, and felt like they actually got a meaningless ending, in many ways. I think if the show had been less fixated on weird mysteries like Starbuck's death and resurrection in the final season, we could have gotten an ending that was mystical without