I really like it! Should I like it?
The music theme was fitting but it could do with less country.
Thats all.
He isn't? That really narrows it down!
More like 10000000000000000000000000000th.
Not sure if you got the pics I sent you for midnight oil. Maybe they just sucked.
Perfect place for a Christmas tree!
I had no idea the Speed3 had a speed limiter!
Not being a big follower of racing, I didn't know this existed. But its cool!
Yay my suggestion of Gymkhana San Fran made #1 but i'm not sure why the M3 vs Veyron didn't make it.
I only sort of know how CVTs work. I think a "how CVTs work" would be nice. Maybe there already is one.
With all the feedback I got from it Im surprised the 335i dint make the list.
Gymkahna San Fran
The RS4 Vs M3 Vs C63 that topgear did. Currently at over 8 million views!