
New Record YAY!

Oh yea forgot to mention. New with mods:about 60k

You forgot the 100k S classes!

A flower vase that came with the car

Eggshell, for sure

It doesn't help BMWs configurator is pretty good.

Yea most are autos. Just like most BMWs

Yes this isn't just my affordable dream car but my actual dream car too.

Id go for the 335i and not the is. The 335s are much cheaper.

For the Stage 1, 2, 3 Dinan just changes the engine by reprograming and adding basic mods (intake, exhaust, etc)

Love the Imola red color!


True. I guess I could opt for CSL wheels too. There is something about a 335 that I prefer over the 335is. Not sure what. Its kinda like how I prefer the 335 over the M3 as an affordable dream car.

We see your Japanese tank and raise you this.

I wouldn't say too affordable

1. I hate the rear bumper (Kinda a moot point)

...forgot something

330i ZHP