Christ, it's like dining at my dear dead grandmother's house. She of the "children should be seen and not heard" and "ladies don't sweat, they perspire."
Christ, it's like dining at my dear dead grandmother's house. She of the "children should be seen and not heard" and "ladies don't sweat, they perspire."
I can see that POV and you may be right about a lack of awareness. But I think that a lack of awareness is better than the way you're aware being sitting Indian style, giving Indian burns, or calling someone and Indian giver. None of those things bring up anything Native American related other than the name and a…
I'm a picky eater. For me, it's usually a texture thing. My toddlers LOVE yogurt, their yogurt smells AMAZING, I love frozen yogurt, but the idea of taking one bite of their yogurt makes me want to throw up. Since yogurt is in no way crucial to my diet, I'm not going to bother trying to get over that.
God forbid children sit cross legged. If they aren't sitting Indian style how will they ever learn about Native American culture and history!?!
It never occurred to me to try it, only after a server flipped one and asked if we wanted to use it did I start! It may not have been safe, but we never had knocked over kids. Honestly, I think the only places we used it like that was someplace where the kids were situated between two adults, not anywhere that a…
Ah well, we never had an issue and aren't expecting to have any more babies so we made it out alive!
Finding out restaurant high chairs flip over to hold a bucket seat was a REVELATION to me! Especially when we had two of those stinkers at once, it was so freaking convenient. Awesome design, lol.
So much about this makes me laugh...
I only have 2.5 years parenting experience, but I have definite boundary testers. Two of them. I still haven't needed to smack them to get their attention! I yell, which I should do a lot less, but most of the time I can just pick them up or get down on their level to get their attention. And if time outs don't work…
Man I look forward to my kids being old enough for that to work! We are still in the toddler nonstop redirection and distraction stage.
BRB gonna go start hitting my kids.
I have two 2.5 year olds, they act like 2.5 year olds which is to say they misbehave A LOT. I can't imagine anything they'd do that would REQUIRE me to hit them though, and trust me, they push me to the limit and beyond often.
Yes, this exactly. I have no idea what I'm doing. Numerous times a day I google things like "how can I make my toddler sleep past 4am?" and "is it normal for a 2 year old to not listen to anything I say?"
People saying that know on some level they're doing something wrong. I'll take any and all parenting advice people have to give, I'm no expert. Of course, I won't follow all of it, but hearing it doesn't hurt and I'm free to pick and choose and make the actual choices myself.
When it comes to disciplining my kids I keep a few things in mind. First, if I wouldn't do it in front of someone, I don't do it. I would never hit my kid in front of someone, so I don't do it when I'm alone with them. Would I say degrading or mean things to them in public? Never, so I don't say mean things to them…
Yes, people are crazy. That is why I have so much respect for anyone working with the public. I could not do it! I have too much trouble holding my snarky/bitchy comments, I'd be fired immediately.
Right? They make me feel smart, and like I am actually a very good customer since I tend to treat all customer service workers like PEOPLE.
I might start spelling cucumber as qcumber. So much cooler.
I would really be wondering what he was using "his squirrel" as a euphemism for...
Eh, I in no way give a shit about calories, but I only drink Diet Coke. I'll eat a large fries (only bc they stopped serving super size ones) and a Diet Coke. Just a taste thing, not a calorie thing.