
Yes, 25 is past viability. Though that only means a greater than 50% chance of survival. My own twins were born at 29 weeks. They are perfectly healthy 2 year olds, though the differences between 25 weekers and 29 weekers are IMMENSE. My kids had a 75-85% chance of survival at birth.

I feel like this is something I should know about. Why don't you think it's healthy? I can't think of another carnivore that I do eat, though its not a conscious decision that I make. Just curious, thanks!!

Could be. I never think of that because we shop elsewhere for everything BUT meat. I like that our WF tends to have a lot of local meat options. So I think of it as the meat store.

While I'm a hypocrite who isn't really into hunting (ewwie!) but still eats the meats, I would ABSOLUTELY eat meats someone I know hunted and prepared! I bet they are amazing in comparison to store bought farmed meats. My husband's family always has a deer for the year and they make all kinds of things he loves (I

No reason other than they aren't really considered food in the US. I don't eat rabbit either for what it's worth. I'm a pretty picky, standard meats only person. Don't like venison. Bison is probably as "exotic" as I go! But I don't get all up in arms if others want to eat those foods.

Yikes!!! I'm totally fine with eating meat, but maybe kill it all the way before gutting it etc!!!! That sounds like a horrifying thing for a child to see.

1) I didn't realize Whole Foods didn't already sell rabbit.

You make me sad for humanity.

Bananas, and all things banana flavored, are revolting. Texture and taste.

Yes! Passive Aggressive for sure!!! My husband's family is from MN and soooo true.

That was my first instinct.

Can't remember the last time I ate at a buffet (Vegas 8 years ago?), but I would tip them like a bartender. A dollar or two per drink they bring you. They don't really take orders or explain menu items right?

Basically, fuck any place that is cash only. We don't live in that world any more.

And I'm now officially old.

Ahhhh sometimes I think it's a miracle my immune compromised toddlers lived through their first two years. Even if offices it drives me insane when people come in sick. I know it is usually not their fault but that they feel pressure to be there. But damn, if you have paid sick days, USE THEM.

The best way to bring your baby into the world is how YOU choose to do it.

I never understand how someone can think they know the way to parent every kid. I only have two and I can't even parent them both the same way! Kids are individuals. Plus, some kids NEED cry it out or some level of it (I am not talking let your 3 day old newborn scream themselves to sleep all night, that is no one

I think a lot of it is the kid. Mine are in bed asleep by 8 usually. I never did any sleep training. It could make me look like an awesome, on top of it, in control mom... but I am SO not that. They are just easy to put to bed, always have been. I had no part in it, other than 1/2 their genetics.

Frightening that I thought this said Amtrak not Aramark, but I still wasn't too surprised.