
Justified perhaps, but as a public persona his public behavior kind of represents Travel Channel or whatever network he is on. It is also understandable that they wouldn't want to be associated with someone who lets internet trolls make them flip out.


He is the douchiest dudebro person I've seen on tv. And I have acquaintances who have worked on shows with him that say he was a real asshole. And his hair.

The only worse fast food fries I've had are In and Out's.

I'm sure there will be people boycotting BK because of this, so why not "fall for the marketing" and outnumber them?

I'd eat the crap out of some pride fries, but there is no cause in the world that would make me eat a burger from Burger King!!

People should be proud of themselves. Being gay or being straight or being bi or being anything is part of who you are, thus, something to be proud of.

While I'm a 20% tipper 99.9% of the time, if I knew the money was going to charity I would probably make a point to tip even more. Especially if the money is going to the local public library or another cause I support.

Like with most food challenges all I can think is "WHY!?"

This makes those times when my parallel parking job ends up a few feet from the curb look even worse.

Because who wants to drink dirt after the rain??

Aww, I love frozen yogurt. Soft serve ice cream makes me sick (literally, like shitting nonstop horrific stomach ache sick) and froyo is delicious!! I hate yogurt that is not frozen, but looooove some frozen yogurt.

Don't care if Shane is real, he is my hero. Some assembly required... LMAO.

Yeah, the normal messes that adults make too sometimes I let go to the servers (like "oops I knocked over my water while gesturing!") but kid only messes are mom duty (like a zillion straw wrapper or bread pieces).

Yeah my husband and I always clean up the floor under our kids if they go nuts with stuff. Usually it's like straw wrappers that they rip up, but we figure they are our kids so its our responsibility to clean up after them. We try to clean as we go so the server doesn't sit there watching and stewing over how he or

I take my two toddlers out for bagels at a local place (not quite a cafe, but serves coffee and has wifi if those are the qualifications) multiple times a week. I eat my bagel, drink my massive caffeine beverage, and feed them their bagel. They smile and say hi to people that walk by, while contained to their

I just can't understand why ANYONE would want to bring a child to a place like Volt or Alinea. My kids are toddlers, they are very well behaved in restaurants (like diners and family places, the only places we take them), but I still have no interest in trying to have a nice dinner out with them in attendance. I love

I'm not a germaphobe so it doesn't bother me, but every time a lemon arrives with my drink it reminds me of Anthony Bordain's book saying that the lemons were the nastiest thing in a restaurant (or some foodie type book said that).

Hey I'm a mom and I play WoW.

Interesting! Thanks!