
Actually safe and then wait many years for other people to try it and you can get an accurate picture of how successful it is.

So I know all about BMI being meant for a population level measurement not individual, but is there another option for things like this? How would they phrase who this is meant for if not by BMI? At least it gives a rough estimate, rather than saying "Over 200lb" or just saying "obese" which are much, much less

It's not even chocolate. What is the point?

Honestly, if I was a high school librarian and a student told me that they liked rereading a certain book and couldn't afford to buy it, I'd just let them take it and replace it myself. No guilt on loving to read, IMO.

Oh god, I so agree! I always think that about child-related businesses.

I remember it from my childhood, loving the ice cream desserts they had. But I went once in college and it was like the world's most boring grilled cheese and french fries ever. I was certainly no foodie back then (still not), but it was beyond bland.

You're ridiculous.

I find it hard to believe Friendly's is still around. There is one near me and there is never a car in the parking lot. Ever.

Interesting. I worked at one, but it was like 10 years ago so maybe things have changed.

We are expected to tip at Starbucks?? Never done that... granted, I go to Starbucks one or two times a year. They have that tip jar, but even when I worked at a Starbucks only the regulars tipped.

Does mayo not last forever? Because every mayo I've ever had has eventually been used up, over the course of a decade. I've never seen mold grow in mayo...

Man I wish I had read this while I was pregnant a few years ago. I had SUCH a thing for mustard that whole time. Even now, mustard on a hard boiled egg sounds kind of delicious.

If eggplant parm is bad, it's been done wrong. That shit can be so amazing and not soggy at all.

Good to hear. Thank you!!

I am always a little nervous to read things like this because as dickish as some people can be, I don't want to read about peeing in their food or licking it or sneezing in it. But that first one is absolutely perfect. Do exactly to them what they did to you. I love it.

Oh how I miss two buck chuck, lol, my wine costs increased a lot when we moved from Cali to CT. In CT, they only incredibly recently started selling any alcohol at all on Sundays! We live near the NY border, so we would drive to NY if we needed it on Sunday.

We are in the thick of toddlerhood and tantrums and seemingly never happy kids right now, so it is so wonderful to read about the future and kids that are turning out right!

Oh that Costco sold wine. Fuck you Connecticut (only sometimes, like blue laws). Wait, after googling around it seems maybe it's just my shitty Costco that doesn't sell alcohol. WTF.

This looks hilarious. Less hilarious is the idea that some people believe this will actually happen. No amount of anything can help me wrap my mind around that one.

I know this is a month old but you would probably hate me for life. At a very young relative's funeral, I was going through the line and when his mother thanked me for coming, I got super nervous (I was 17) and said "No problem." It's probably my most embarrassing moment ever. THAT'S a gaffe. A server saying, not so