Clearly 95% of these women have never had a c-section!! My scar is super low and would still be showing in nearly every single bikini bottom here.
Clearly 95% of these women have never had a c-section!! My scar is super low and would still be showing in nearly every single bikini bottom here.
lol If only you knew how wrong you are about the rage and entitlement...
I clearly didn't read carefully. Derp.
I would never take two year olds to a fine dining restaurant. I'm talking pizza places, diners, and regular family places.
I'm pretty sure you weren't there, but the guy didn't seem to inconvenienced. He never once glanced back. Anyway, CLEARLY I do mind inconveniencing people as I chose inconveniencing ONE person over an entire bus of them. But thanks for playing, try again.
Yes, my child is entitled to being in a car seat in a moving vehicle. Should I have asked the bus drive to STOP THE BUS so I could move him? lol Get a grip.
I'm definitely very stern with them. I always think I'm too mean, but I'm sure I do react too big sometimes and they loooooove that. Whatever, its all a learning process. They're learning to be well behaved and I'm learning how to be a parent.
Because it took about 20 minutes to get his car seat attached to the bus seat and I wasn't about to do it again while the bus was moving. Where would I put him while I spent 20 minutes moving his car seat? Let him roam the aisle? There was NO other option.
Mine have a speech delay so they get really frustrated at not being able to communicate, hence the whining.
It depends. My parents ate whatever the fuck they wanted for 50 years, then their metabolisms slowed down. I'm in my mid-30s and eat whatever I want, don't work out, and I don't gain weight. I think it's just genetic when it hits, some people never have it, some lose it at 25, some at 50.
I think nature perfected the cry pitch or something to be the most horrible irritating sound a set of ears can hear. When my twins were babies, I used to think their cries would actually make me insane. Like my skin would crawl when I got sick of hearing it. Now at least the cries are interspersed with whining and…
Reminds me of Kate Gosselin bragging about her kids eating organic lollypops. Hi, sugar is organic, it's still not good for you! It's still just junk food!
Haha, my kids are 2 years old and I don't think I've been away from them longer than a movie and dinner yet (and those I can count on two hands easily). On an everyday basis I guess I don't have the opportunity, no family or friends nearby. If I suddenly lived near their grandparents though, I'd be out that door so…
Oh I know. I've been telling my toddler not to touch the blinds cord by our changing table for probably a year now, but he still does it. Someday perhaps he'll learn, but it is a loooooooooong process for some things. And the best way to teach a kid how to behave in public is to take them in public frequently.
The 10 seconds thing was in reference to the fact that if my kids are throwing a fit in the grocery store I get them out of there, but get stink eyes on the 10 second walk to the front of the store as if I should be able to get out faster.
Not defending taking an infant to a fancy restaurant and letting them cry at the table, but if they can't eat the food they shouldn't be there? So parents of infants can only eat at all puree restaurants??? Come on. My two year old twins have been in MANY restaurants over the last two years. I don't let them cry or…
I can't tell you how many times my kids have dropped some food at a restaurant and I am on the floor immediately searching for it and cleaning it up. Or they happily rip a straw wrapper to shreds and start dropping pieces. I clean up everything that wouldn't be on the floor if my toddlers weren't there before we…
If I had been forced by circumstance to take an 8 month old to a fancy restaurant, when the kid started crying I would have gotten up and taken him outside or to the restroom or the hall or anywhere. Then switched with my husband when he finished eating. Nothing is convenient when you have a kid, but you do what you…
I would have died of stress trying to take an infant to a fancy restaurant. I don't even eat dinner at home until my toddlers are in bed because there is no way to enjoy a meal with them around.
As a parent, I do everything I can to keep my kids from annoying people in public. I remove them from situations when possible if I have to, but it's not always possible. I try very hard, but sometimes it doesn't work and when it doesn't... I don't give a shit what the other people around me think. I KNOW I am doing…