
Congratulations!! I was insanely exhausted my first tri, but I was growing two babies at once. But the good news is that I was only mildly nauseous and never threw up. I could have done anything I wanted as long as it was before 2pm. After 2pm, I was usually asleep on the couch.

You aren't remotely awful at all! Your mom sounds very exhausted and spending time with exhausting people when you are already drained is not worth it. She will get to see you, and what works for you is going to have to be good enough for her. Good luck!!!!

Awwww, that dance recital must have been so cute. I also would have been nearly having a stroke of anxiety waiting for it!

I would die laughing and love to get a card like that from anyone.

Ahhhhh that sucks! I'm getting on a train tomorrow for a 30 hour trip with a husband who is currently vomiting, a toddler who was vomiting a couple days ago, and another toddler who hasn't started vomiting yet but is the only one who hasn't gotten the bug yet. Oh and I was ill a day ago. I'm pretty well terrified. And

My husband does the same thing, but just when I really feel like I can't care for the kids. Just a cold, he goes to work and I deal. But this past week with the stomach bug, he was here taking care of them despite his cold. I shouldn't complain!

Not taking sick days when you are in fact sick is a bad, bad idea. Not everyone has a healthy immune system and exposing them to your illness for no good reason is selfish.

I was up vomiting the other night from a stomach bug and I felt really guilty that all I could think was "I want my mom!" even though my husband was right there.

In our house, sick days from work for my husband mean he can help me with the kids. Sick days don't even exist for stay at home moms, so he makes out better in his 1/2 the work sick day than I do in my doing it all despite the illness day.

My brother in law broke his foot as a child and his parents didn't believe him. Then later that day my husband sliced his finger open on a rock and needed stitches. Since they were already at the hospital, they got the foot that the complainer (lol) kept talking about checked out and yup, broken! Parental guilt for

Going through this now. One of my kids and I just got over a horrific stomach bug (vomit city) and my husband now has a cold. We have a ton of shit to do for Christmas travel today and my husband is all "But I'm sick and I didn't get my sick day off that I took because you were on death's door" and I can't get over

My MIL doesn't know the last bit, but the first bit upset her so much that she gave me her mother's lovely little 1930s engagement ring (handed over in a baggie with the words "you'll have to have it repaired because they cut it off her").

It does indeed sound like you hit the lottery! My dusting definitely does not include most of that sadly. That's awesome.

Ohh congratulations on your twins!! They make it nuts, but it's such a unique experience.

The only kinds of cleaning that I like are the ones where you can see a real difference. So dusting, cleaning dirty windows, sadly our always dusty bathroom sink, things like that. Vacuuming dust/dirt I can't see? No thanks! I can definitely see how polishing the silver would be very satisfying!!

I need to encourage it more. With twins I constantly just do it for them because I just need it done quickly to keep them both somewhat content. Going to put that on my never ending parenting list of "things I'll do better at tomorrow."

That is awesome about the first word. Kid will never have an excuse not to clean his room (in case his love of cleaning goes away during those teenage years).

Number of carats is how much he needs to beg to get you to marry him?

Upside, if the baby comes too fast and you tear, at least you're done sooner!

Oh god the big head thing! My kids were born super early and via section, but I have a 2 year old who I had to buy an adult size hat off etsy. I don't know if their sizing was funky or what, but it listed head circ and his fell into their adult category! I can't imagine had he been full term and born via vag. OUCH.