Awesome. My doc's plan was also 3 months of each thing and then move on. It was great to not feel like we were wasting time on things that weren't going to work.
Awesome. My doc's plan was also 3 months of each thing and then move on. It was great to not feel like we were wasting time on things that weren't going to work.
Yeah the enthusiasm for testing early really wears off after a few negatives. By my IVF cycle I tested early only because I did not want to wait to hear it was negative from the nurse after a blood test (also because I thought I'd be at work getting that call!!). Thankfully it was positive, but I did 2 cheapies first…
The thing I don't get is that don't most people wait until 12 weeks or so to announce pregnancies? Then they're posting months old pee sticks?
I did nothing but cheapies from Amazon until I got a positive. Then I went out and bought the digital test and some others. A single line was depressing enough, I did NOT want to see "not pregnant" staring me in the face!!! So I waited until I was mostly sure it was actually going to be positive.
For the longest time I thought those tests that say 1-2, 3-4 were telling you how many babies you were pregnant with (I know I'm an idiot and no pg test could tell you that).
The dumbest part is that "boobies" is so not hyper sexual. It's what freaking 5 year olds and immature teenagers call breasts. If it said "tits" or something I could maybe understand (I could not), but boobies for fucks sake...
Oh good lord, I wish the Supreme Court had better things to do than hear stupid crap like this.
Ahhh one of my boys names is on the list. But it should be, it's a fucking awesome name.
I know, I know. You're right. I just hate Piz so much! lol
I had the tv on a bunch for those loooooooong days when my twins were younger. Maybe it was a bad idea but they were into their toys, never even glanced at the tv and I needed something familiar to give me some sanity (Friends and Golden Girls repeats it was!).
But seat belts make it take longer to get out of there when you stop the car, just like condoms make it take longer to hit the road after the wam and bam. Hit and RUN!
My under 2 year olds watch Sesame Street. If I'm going to shower, ever, they have to watch a little tv. I'm okay with it. I know everyone will probably say it, but I watched a TON of tv when I was growing up and I'm a normal (ish, who is actually normal I say!) adult who got good grades and advanced degrees.
Gotta say, the fact that she at least starts out the movie dating Piz still makes me want to see it less. I of course will, but Piz... really. His name is Piz for god's sake. At least his hair is less offensively awful than it was on the show.
Aww congrats to your little politician!!
I think an orgasm during my c-section might have really scared my doctors! lol
Aaaand now I'm nauseous. Eww!
It was hard, but a lot of people had it way worse than we did in the NICU. They were teeny but very healthy and didn't have many complications at all. Thanks!!
Aww, I definitely agree with your dad. I was the BIGGEST worrier before my boys were born and now hardly anything at all shakes me. Watching your brand new tiny baby fight for their life and be stronger than you have ever been really changes you.
Yup, before I got to your last paragraph I was thinking "my only goal was survive the babyhood." I think I was too overwhelmed with two of them to agonize of the small stuff, but I went through a phase of thinking everything they say "no baby will..." did not apply to my two, lol. Specifically the whole "no baby will…
Yeah, we say it was the scariest day of our lives but with the best moment (one of the kids cried when they came out and we weren't expecting that since they were so early, it was AWESOME).