
That's such a good point about the baby being some concept you know nothing about before you have one. I might have had a ton of plans before I started trying to get pregnant, but nothing about our pregnancy fit any kind of plan (didn't get pg easily, had to do IVF, pg with twins, pre-e at 28 weeks, hospital bed rest

Things like this make letting my kids watch some Sesame Street not as awful as it could be (for me). I love their Mad Men and 30 Rock ones too.

Oh I know. My birth experience was horrific. Emergency c-section at 29 weeks, two 2 lb babies, 9 weeks of NICU, etc, etc. I still feel cheated and jealous of women with full term birth experiences. But like you said, it's such a small part of being a parent. And to me the most important thing about that day is that my

How am I supposed to both eat my placenta AND leave it attached to my kid for a week?? Do I just nibble here and there while it's attached? You just can't win.

Hope her kid isn't a biter! "Don't bite your friend Ulysses! We're VEGAN!"

But if 2 minutes is good, then a week must be AMAZING!!! In her world.

Heh, I'm a little anxious for the 'parenting while the child can remember it' phase. Right now it's all "well, I accidentally let you fall off the couch, but hey, you're only 1 so you won't remember it!" and fun and games. Soon it'll be "Remember when you shut my hand in the door!?!" for the rest of my life.

And by chew it off did she think if she did that she had to eat it? I think our problem is that we're applying real world sanity to someone who is not quite in the same world.

She's into child-centered parenting, so she doesn't give a shit about herself. Just little Uly. Heh.

But once you have chicken pox you're immune to the negative feelings?? Hmm...

I agree 100% with this. But I don't know that it would be the kind of help needed with an autoimmune disorder.

No story to tell but if there's any chance it can help and no chance it'll hurt, go for it!

Birth :: Life, as, Wedding Day :: Marriage

I'm so sorry for your loss. I don't know the guilt you have right now, but I do know that as a mom I KNOW that my kids love me and even if they never tell me that I will know it. It's nice to say it, but I'm so sure she knew even if you didn't say it.

I roll my eyes every time I see an ad for it.

Oh man. I'm of the "do whatever the fuck you want" for your bachelorette party opinion. But if you do something insane, you have to be perfectly fine with people not being able to go.

Yeah I know I've heard it someplace before. SO true. You have no idea if the woman is pregnant, fat, just had a baby, just lost a baby. There is WAY too much room for horrible error. This is why I just don't talk to other people, it's too easy to say something stupid.

What IS it about the grocery store?? I had a lady there ask me if we went to the doctor to make our twins, then she started asking about my eggs and my husband's sperm. On what planet is that okay?? NONE.

Yeah a stranger asking me I would want so badly to say no, but I'm a social douche and would probably just mumble yes and suffer through it.

Or after the person feels your belly uninvitedly, reach out and put your hand on their belly in the exact same way.