This is probably the first time in AGES that NBC Thursday nights have been so blah.
This is probably the first time in AGES that NBC Thursday nights have been so blah.
I LITERALLY just started watching Parks & Rec on Netflix. Grrrrr!!!!
Understanding friends make all the difference really. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Another crazy thing about breastfeeding or breastmilk in general is that when your baby is born premature, your body knows it and the milk you produce is different than what is produced for a full term child. Preemie milk ends up with more protein and minerals and fats that are easier to digest. I think that's fucking…
Another crazy thing about breastfeeding or breastmilk in general is that when your baby is born premature, your body knows it and the milk you produce is different than what is produced for a full term child. Preemie milk ends up with more protein and minerals and fats that are easier to digest. I think that's fucking…
Double post.
Ohhh yup, I've read that Dear NICU Nurse thing. It is so true, I credit the nurses (and neonatologists of course) with keeping my boys alive. Granted they were only 29 weekers so the odds were good that they'd have a good outcome, but the nurses in the NICU are some of the best people I've ever met.
I always wonder that, as a mom who pumped for her babies for their first two months. Those little suckers (or nonsuckers as it was) never got on the boob, but they did get the milk when it was most important (in the NICU).
No guilt!!!! You'll do enough stuff wrong that you can feel guilty about (Oops, I caught your finger in the door! type stuff). Feeding your child in whatever way you can is not something to feel guilt about.
No shame at all in formula, my kiddos had it from 2 months on. I think the only situation I would go to the trouble of getting donated milk is in the NICU. Breastmilk is incredibly important for preemies. It can protect them from one of the scariest NICU diseases, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). I was able to make…
lol Calm down.
lol and I don't think I've ever seen a gif more perfectly suited to a situation than that one! Awesome.
This is the most confusing reaction gif I've ever gotten. It's like, a hug so yay, but it's Voldemort and the bad kid I can't remember, so I'm not quite sure... :)
I think the issue was what happens with the baby when it isn't eating? Does she sit there with a crying baby? There wasn't anyone to watch the baby when she wasn't feeding it.
11. You don't have to deal with infertility.
A baby will not starve itself to death, but it will not eat for a full day in order to wait for mom to get back and breastfeed rather than take a bottle. I just think jury duty is not a good enough reason to make a baby do that.
Right. I'm really going to expect someone to find a WETNURSE when they can't even find child care. For something as inconsequential as jury duty!!!!
For flexibility, that's up to the parents if they want that. In an emergency, the baby won't starve itself to death. Jury duty is not an emergency.
Babies aren't going to starve themselves because they don't like the container the milk comes in. But why put a baby through the distress or not eating for a full day (because they will wait until mom comes home, if she does) just to serve on jury duty!!