
I hate thongs. Tried to wear them when I was young and trying to be sexy. NO WAY. Insanely uncomfortable for me. Boy shorts or whatever you call regular low cut undies all the way! And I could not care less about panty lines. I don't have to see them on myself, they aren't my problem.

I love that idea. I always like when bridesmaids can choose their own style of the dress. Not all styles look good on all body types. I had a bitch of a time picking my bridesmaids dresses because all 4 bridesmaids had one body type and I have a completely different one. I didn't want to get a style that looked shitty

Or people could choose dresses that ARE reusable. Don't lots of women own single color nice dresses? My bridesmaids had not super fancy matching dresses, looked fantastic, and more than one of them has told me she's gotten to wear the dress from time to time. I just got fitted for my first bridesmaids dress today

Perfect, thank you.

Isn't a "birth control benefit" just prescription coverage? Or are there specific Rx plans that cover everything but birth control? Legitimately don't know as I've never not had my BC covered when I had Rx coverage, thankfully.

What exactly happens if we default? I don't even know...

Grasping at straws but is it possible that he could hurt her legal case by saying anything other than "she didn't do it!" I mean, I don't expect a father to sell his kid out to whatever the justice system decides to do with her.

That is true.

So because no one helped you, no one should help kids today? That doesn't seem right...

In a weird way, because of Dugard's decision to remove herself from public life, she has become defined by her name and what happened to her.

Depends on where you live and how large your family is too. My husband makes more than that and we live in a tiny apartment in a crazy expensive town and are always scraping by, due to 2 kids, a ton of medical debt and student loan debt. We could be in 6 figure territory and not able to afford a house where we are.

One of the best parts of living in LA was the year round flip flop wearing and casual dress in the office. It took me years of accidentally wearing flip flops in the snow after moving to stop the habit.

Also, the people we spend the most time with are always the people that annoy us the most, and that we love the most. My kids, my husband, no one drives me more insane than them. But I love them a billion more than anyone else!

If I don't have a ton of shoes and my husband doesn't have a ton of tools, are we even people???

Why so many shoes... 1) I need a pair of flip flops for every day of summer 2) I need sneakers for every other day of the year

No social engagement is worth the shit night of sleep I'll get if I don't get my kids adequate daytime napping. Sleep above all else!!!

Good sleepers and nap/bedtime routines are an immense blessing and miracle!

Wish I had a kid who would sleep later if I kept them up, but mine somehow wake up regularly at 645am. I could put them to bed at 630pm or 9pm and it would be the same (Currently opting for 7pm!).

Man I am not looking forward to my kids learning to escape their cribs. It's so much easier when they're trapped in there!

I love bed time. My 22 month olds are currently trying to drop their second nap (yes, I have nearly 2 year olds who still do 2 naps a day!) and on their 1 nap a day days, bed time is like 630-7pm! It's amazing. I miss having two nap breaks a day, but bed being 1.5 hours earlier is wonderful. And they still sleep until