
The bitch of it is that there are some things that only a partner will want to hear. Your nonstop emotional turmoil is one of them. I'll listen to my husband bitch about his job for years on end (so far!) and it doesn't make me hate him. But if I had a friend who every single day told me about the awfulness of their

A pension... I don't think I know a single person who has any kind of pension (other than my father who is in his 60s and just retired a year or two ago). But other than that, I completely agree.

That would have made sense. It does suck that the end of the time they had with him they didn't really do anything with him.

Haha, even if you think Hunger Games was poorly written, at least it had a good plot going for it. And I don't remember thinking anything was particularly stupid or pointless or wrong. Twilight on the other hand, poorly written, characterized, plotted, everything. Just baaaaad. Offensive in many ways, to me as someone

I didn't think HG was poorly written. Twilight on the other hand... and I didn't like Divergent at the start, but I kept with it based on a friend's rec and I ended up liking it a lot.

Just finished Divergent. No shame! I get my book recs from my good friend who is an 8th grade teacher. She tries to keep up with what her students are reading and lets me know when there's a good young adult novel I should try.

That's awesome, lol. My husband is FB friends with someone whose last name is Doody and I can't ever see that person post something without chuckling to myself. And wondering how the hell they survived childhood with that name.


Yup, I have a friend from Greece that says here we live to work, there they work to live. I've heard that many other places too and it's so true. A lot of peoples' lives revolve around their work here in the US.

Thanks! And yeah, I barely saw my dad for a few years when I was growing up as he worked full time, then did night school to get his MBA for a while. He left before I was up and got home after I was asleep. It didn't really affect me or our relationship much, though I bet it sucked for my mom to have 100% of my care

LOL I too am behind on my queue. Some days it's just like "there are FOUR different shows I have to watch, I just don't have the energy to decide..."

So basically, you're Chandler.

The weirdest thing is trying to tell that to someone with career goals. My husband is big time motivated and has set in stone goals he says he "will achieve" within his career. It's like ambition I don't even understand. Currently he is in a miserable job on the fringe of what he wants to do but not really IN it and

A job I don't dread going to has always been my career goal!! I used to say that all the time when I worked in offices and when my kids go to school full time in a few years, it will be my goal again. And I also got my masters in a field I thought would be awesome to work in, and I did very much like my job from right

I worked in one office that did full time = 37.5 hours. It was nice, I wasn't married and didn't have kids then but it gave me time to be at home, to do errands or to go to a doctor's appointment during their hours without missing work. Just a tiny bit shorter day at work so I got to see some daylight in the winter

Haha, when I was working in offices I always said my main goal is to have a job I don't hate going to every morning. If I had that, I was content.

OMG, that is hilarious! Get those girls hooked on Kotex the minute they need a tampon and make money off them the rest of their fertile years.

I say having it all means having everything you want. Not what everyone else deems "it all" to be. I have never given a shit about a career. There's nothing I want to do or aspire to be. I had jobs before I had my kids and they were fine, I was good enough at them, but I didn't care about them in any way other than a

Man. I think I need to go hug my kids.

Ok, yeah, I'm not watching it. I want to cry just from reading that line.