
I can predict the future. Everyone will say it's amazing but half will complain that it doesn't have a manual. Then the rest will say that this is a time-attack car so it needs a DSG only. Everyone will be blamed to be cheap and never buying new, therefore causing the death of the manual. All those who bought a new

Thanks for that. I learned something new today.

1) Buy both

I don't know about you but that statement gives me the giggles. I mean, I'm sure this car is rock solid and all, but just the thought of counting on an Alfa - any Alfa - to get you to work, the church for your wedding, or say, to the delivery room seems a little fantastical. Call me a pessimist. Better yet, call me

The only problem is you can't order this one in brown. It would look like an actual poop.

I have an Interlagos blue E60 M5 just like that. I like it, when it's running.