
Uhhh... go ahead and try to hit the TIRE on an erratically moving vehicle with your pistol. Not gonna happen.

Always useful when a predator reveals his criteria for potential victims (women with “lifestyles,” meaning they’re black or poor). He’s too much of an ignorant, spoiled little shit to see how obvious his guilt is to everyone else.

Even that his largely down to his own personality though. The UFC just throws him on a stage and he sells himself. Dana didn’t do shit.


I’m of the opinion that Conor McGregor is a self-aggrandizing prick. A good fighter, hell - possibly a great fighter, but a self-aggrandizing prick nonetheless.

That being said, I wholly support him roasting Dana White’s nuts over a can of media fueled sterno.

Dana White, and by extension, the UFC is terrible to it’s

Norther Bromania

Nope... however, I don’t think it makes the cut for the reasons to try to run someone over?

While everyone else is arguing over intent, let me propose this:

This is just the dumbest take. I’m sorry.

Crap, I fell for it again. Why do I always read these types of articles thinking that I’m going to find the magic solution to making myself a morning person? My internal clock is just not wired to make me a morning person, and my attempts to rewire it, based on countless articles, have been very temporary and

Real question - how did you choose that photo? For the record that’s a photo of a group of Civil War reenactors who were marching in the 2016 St. Patrick’s Day parade. One of whom I know. A bit disturbing to see his photo under that headline with the tag Violence Against Women. Is there no caption necessary beyond

And the slow driver in the left lane WAS passing the merging vehicle in the right lane.

By not maintaining your vehicle generally. People neglect rear brakes far too often to the point where the fronts will grab harder and even with the dynamic proportioning that the vehicle in question has, the rears will under brake and cause it to come around because the caliper slides are rusted solid. Also, terrible

Because if you watched the video you’d see the guy in the left lane couldn’t get over. The car in the right lane had just merged onto the highway, which is why the slow car was in the left lane in the first place. It wasn’t even that severe of a brake check, they MIGHT have lost 5 MPH.

did you notice that this happened near an on ramp the fellow in the fast lane stayed there so the people getting on the highway could get one ... asshat tailgater could have been a little more patient.

It isn’t in my state. And there is no reason for it to be illegal. You can be driving faster than the right lane, but the tailgater wants to be speeding and you’re in his way. Who cares, no reason for you to move aside so the dude can go 15 more than speed limit

The guy was in the left to let people on the highway. Also, how do you skid an ABS car?

Nice hyperbole reply there. No one nearly died.

I don’t know if I would say he got what was coming to him. Common knowledge is if your going slow in the left lane and someone comes up behind you, then move into the slower lane if possible. Brake checking when the other lane is open is a dick move IMO