8 years? Gurl read it again. It’s 8 months.
He tried to destroy evidence by dumping the jammer in a river behind his house. That’s textbook perversion of the course of justice.
He tried to destroy evidence by chucking the jammer into a river. That’s serious and it fits the crime.
He didn’t go to jail because he was speeding. He went to jail because he lied to the police and tried to dispose of evidence, by dumping the jammer in a river behind his house. That’s how serious a crime it is to pervert the course of justice.
“Love” and “Milton Keynes” are two phrases rarely found in the same sentence, lest even the same paragraph...
...because the 4 turbos haven’t been attached? It’s the same engine, just the block without anything else attached to it.
It works apparently. Here it is making the alleged 5000hp.
Gurl, the car was literally deemed unsafe to drive. The chassis was useless to anybody and the parts used to fix it, allegedly stolen, would’ve only had scrap value.
That’s not how it works for Cat B cars. Cat B means the vehicle literally cannot function as a vehicle anymore - they can only be sold to be dismantled to people who have a dismantling licence i.e scrapyards. They’re only worth as much as their parts, and because allegations are floating around of that Ferrari having…
No, it was categorised as B before it was crushed.
Because the car was so badly damaged in a previous accident, it was deemed unroadworthy.
Because there are allegations floating around that the parts were stolen.
Thanks, I’ve got chronic depression now.
1) you’re rude.
Because it wasn’t meant to be a remake of the original. As blatant as the title and use of the Minis may be, the screenwriters only watched the original once to draw inspiration from it. They wanted it to be inspired by the original, not a copy.