
Not to distract from the glory of this — because it's goddamn spectacular — but why does this person have so many cameras outside of the house? Looks like three different shots.

We at Team Dog regret this incident and plan on investigating further.

Its actually a really easy fix, I see it all the time where I work. Take your old iphone and connect to wifi, go to messages and shut your imessage off. That will fix it.


semi benelli vinci

that's why you get it now, for free, then back up the .apk :)

Now playing

Except that's not true. I just tried it on iOS 7.0.4 (not even newest) and it asks for a password when trying to click on the web results.

This isn't a hack by any means. You are using siri as it was designed. Now if you think it is flawed thats different, but Siri isn't hacked or anything you claim it to be. Now if you can access all the apps and bypass the lockscreen thats different.

it is spelled out in the books, in a very similar scene. the reviewer keeps the books and the show separate, and assumes the person reading the review has not read any of the books.


Sprint is a CDMA provider. These use SIM cards for multi-band devices so they are able to be used overseas on GSM/CDMA Networks. They also use it for their LTE services.

I don't understand people who claim to value freedom of speech, but who want to silence others' (and who use their own freedom to do it.) That's you.

We have had great success with the vinegar, a drop of dish soap and saran wrap. I've eradicated two infestations of flies with that approach. It takes a few days, but works well. Also, remember to pour boiling water down your kitchen sink drain as the flies will lay their eggs in the sink drain given the moisture.

Are you by any chance an anti-vaxxer?

For Windows 8.1 users, instead of hitting the Windows Key, going into the full screen start, and then searching for a program try hitting Windows key + S. It gives you a search bar that let's you keep on the desktop. Which, admittedly isn't a huge deal, but I prefer it over flipping through multiple windows just to

WTF? How often do you vomit that you would need something like this?

I have a Roku and I love it. I'd like to get a couple more for the other TVs in my house. However, I have a question:

I wish, so freakin much, that I could get rid of the ads on it. Only fault so far.

Window Hammer Spark Plug, it's the new Rock Paper Scissors: