
Proud to follow people that don't do this dumb shit.

Vote: VLC

Vote: VLC

Vote: VLC
Why: so far it opens everything I throw at it. (Period)

It varies state by state, but massachusetts, New york, and CT, are all No fire areas when it comes to trail hiking.

I would just keep it low and scoop coals over from the real fire.

i can see this failing miserably once you start piling on meat. Unless the stakes are in compact soil and embedded deep enough, your food will be kissing the fire and charcoal. It also doesn't look high enough...most kindle and firewood campfires are generally 5-8 inches high plus the flame and heat. you can certainly

How 'bout a self-healing gutter mouth?

And here is an animated gif to show you why you should never ride public transit (and yes I ride public transit every day, and this is what I see)

Population control when done legally. I understand why it still exists. Also we like to think that we aren't still animals with basic primal urges. We started out as a Hunter-Gather type of creature, and we haven't evolved since then biologically speaking.

When they fly like this.

It's my understanding that he used the telescope to aim the pointer, like a laser sight on a gun.

Half price, I doubt. I've been watching eBay for months and all the used sets sell for about a $20-30 discount usually.

Yeah, but getting them to wear the little harnesses and use the breathing gear was found to be really difficult...

I know a couple of kids (or they were then) who bought a cheap universal remote, and wandered around town. Any time they could see people watching TV, they'd change channels. good clean fun.

There was still that pretty obvious smoke cloud..

Funny how he bought a place right in the middle of all the rich people. I do hope he can keep up with the Joneses.

I think there are some websites where you can exchange them for local currency, sort of like how I imagine one would electronically trade USD for GBP