
HTC jumps on the bandwagon and markets a unique new 'curved' phone.

"Yeah sure, maybe it stopped a dinky bullet, but let's see how it fares against a Tomahawk missile." The guy lucked out action-movie style, it's a cool story. Thanks for suggesting that a plastic-and-glass phone might not be adequate protection against large-caliber rounds though.

Is this covered under the warranty plan?

For everyday stuff, I feel like I've purposed mine much better than most of these projects... It's my web server, FTP server, SSH server, tunneled proxy for secure browsing while on public WiFi elsewhere, and some home automation (turning lights on/off). I even just got the Nwazet Pecan Pi relay board to be able to

As someone who lives "in" Rio:

I download Linux distributions!

I have it set up as my 9th icon on my Windows task bar, so I just hit Windows 9 and then I start typing the name of the app. You just have to right click on the Chrome App Launcher and pin a shortcut to the taskbar. Make it be on if the first 10 and viola!

Vote: TARDIS 4-Port USB Hub

This is silly. We talk about Plex all the time. In fact, these days we talk about it more often than XBMC, and almost all of our staff uses Plex instead of XBMC. Don't make comments like this based on assumptions that aren't true, please.

That guy creeps me the fuck out.

I believe that's Hong Kong.

Thee is a switch at the bottom of iTunes and App store that is for cell data on or off.

For the record, I've also muted "twerk" and "Miley Cyrus"

YouTubeCenter actually solve the issue!

There ought to be a button to the right of your username, if you're logged in. It's labeled 'toggle youtube center settings panel'. Click the Player tab. A bit down the screen, there should be an entry called Dash Playback with a checkbox. Maybe that will fix your problem.

Now if I can only solve the problem where YouTube automatically chooses the lowest quality for videos while I play them even when I have to speed for HD...

On Chrome you can also install Tampermonkey which allows you to install/manage userscripts, and then install YouTube Center from

"You didn't bring the stairs? I TOLD YOU TO BRING THE STAIRS.."

This is the best IL-76 story there is, from the book "Outlaws"::

I believe you're supposed to put the volume on your Mac and your DAC at max, or close to max (some recommend 75% or thereabouts), and then control the volume with your speakers