
Although the calories may be similar, there will be less grams of fat. I think the point of this article is that reduced fat peanut butter has more carbohydrates. There is more to health than just calories. The dietitian they're quoting is suggesting that it's better for you to eat the peanut butter with more fat and

Yeah, check out this LH article:

The touch pad. It has to feel nice and smooth, and be as big as possible.

You, Mr. @tmfk, could use more hard drive space. Great looking desktop, though.

I'm not using it regularly until I stop seeing Homeland Security alerts about it:

That's why you should use an email address with Facebook that no one knows.

Me too. I wonder if they're just getting slammed.

Because this way it's 3 big people OR 6 average size people, OR 10 super skinny people! Or some combination of them.


Thank you! That is very useful. Hopefully there's something like this out there for iOS.

I agree that vehicle drivers are the biggest cause of accidents, but at the same time this does seem like a fun DIY project. I don't think LH is trying to say that everyone must dress up like a Christmas tree when riding. They're just throwing out fun ideas. And I'm sure it wouldn't do anyone any harm to completely

Yeah, their documentation seems to be geard for developers - not easy for beginners like me to read or understand. I hope someone creates an IDE or something like (for Dropbox) for Drive. And I hope LH updates this post when they do :)

Am I the only one who would love a calendar that instead of dots in the month view color-codes days by how busy they are? If I don't have much going on it's green, if it's kind of busy that day it turns yellow, and if I have appointments almost solid from 8 to 5 it's red. That way when someone says let's meet for

Do Work, Son - Big Black

I would say TWO speakers in stead of just the one.

It's all about the carbon fiber stickers. You slap those all over your monster machine and it makes it so much easier to heft to the next LAN party.

I say this about a lot of things. "Why use a key when there's a gun for that?" "Why get a hammer out when there's a gun for that?" "Why walk your dog when there's a gun for that?"

No, but Mega-Bloks work with it.

Man, tacos and Chipotle on a road trip doesn't seem like a great idea to me.

This is a great idea, but don't forget licensing costs! It adds up quick, especially if you go with a Windows desktop and Mac laptop. That said I still bet you'll be saving money over a big powerful laptop.