

I haven't read all of the comments, so forgive me if this was already mentioned. But I think Val got a false sense of security from the judges constant praise. She may have thought that because she's been doing so well, she would've been spared the LSFYL. I say she was set up by those shady judges.

Valentina LSFYL reminded me of Yara Sofia's meltdown in season 3. So unexpected, and painful to watch.

I like the Gong Show idea. Maybe a little harsh for the regular season. But it would be a nice twist for All Stars 3.

School House Rock? Its not like the 80's — Kimora Blac

What do Kimora and Farrah do in Vegas? Are they dancers? (Doubtful because Kimora didn't tear it up in the lip synchs) Cocktail waitress? Forgive me I'm too lazy to look them up.

VH1 should be showing that Orbitz commercial with Manila and Alyssa instead of the TOD. At least it would be making money on advertising instead of wasting money with worthless filler.

Phi Phi's bitterness about her failed redemption/villain edit is a little tragic. I hope she and other would-be drag race contestants learn from her experience that there is nothing real about reality. The winner of the competition is already decided and it most likely isn't you. Enjoy the spotlight while you can,

The manatee reporter's name is Heather. Anna talks to her on the phone when Bojack learns about the nomination. (I picked this up from close captioning. I'm not sure if her name was mentioned in the hotel bar. )

Bendala can stir the pot and has a bit of an ego. it would've been interesting if she stepped in for Adore.

I wish Alaska would've been more objective and eliminated Roxxxy, instead of Tati. Roxxy was by far the worst in the Snatch Game, Ru should've told her to apologize to Alaska like she told Alyssa for her abysmal Katie Perry. Understand the politics of the situation, if Alaska chose Roxxxy, she would have to worry

This makes total sense to me. I identify with PC's brand of coping with depression, I recoiled at the Sarah Lynn/Bojack scene because I've been on the edge and was ignored by a Bojack type. A little support would've helped, but I realize now that he was suffering too and I can't expect others to try to fix me.

Bojack's going along with the pitch, even after hearing Sarah Lynn say that she was on the verge of a mental breakdown, rang false to me. Bojack's a hollywoo(d) veteran and should know how to read a room, Sarah Lynn wanted to spend time with him and may have agreed to help Bojack if he let the subject come up

Ana's killing the reporter crossed my mind, but I figured Ana offered her a better interview or threatened her career to keep her quiet. Besides Manatee Fair doesn't go against the status quo

Agreed. Richie and Patrick ending up together was too convenient, and I was totally against it in season 2. Richie didn't deserve a man who made him feel like he wasn't good enough. However, Patrick gained some perspective from getting steam rolled by Kevin, and learned to put his fantasies of having a perfect guy

Isn't Eddie Hispanic? i got the impression when he said he was tired of guys saying they are informed but are still the sane racist gays prancing down Santa Monica boulevard. (I paraphrase)

Agreed on being tired of Lana's character. Ugh! Soon as she said "we are on a break", I knew that was a pass for Archer to "not cheat" with Ms. VD. I was hoping that they'd make it interesting by giving Lana a lover that would cure her Archer obsession.

JLD is hitting the gym as well. She looks great.

This is the first season where I didn't want at least 3 girls to go home STAT. Even the eliminated girls didn't actively get on my nerves. I hope whoever enters the competition next episode isn't someone who's only there to bring drama (Shangela!) The cast and challenges are interesting enough.

Wish they would've given Looking a third season.