
Ironically Pornstache consistently used a condom with his rape(s). If Bennett had done the same, he and Daya wouldn't have been caught up in this tired story line. Also Pornstache would probably still be at Litchfield, assuming that he wasn't caught raping, or killing another inmate.

She's between a rock and a hard place. Have her baby raised by a drug dealer who puts a gun to a kid's head, or a woman who brought a psychopath into the world. What I can't understand is why she started believing in "happily ever after"? She seemed to be more realistic about her circumstances early on.

if Ginger took more fashion risks, she would've distinguished herself from previous winners. The lack of creativity was definitely a disadvantage. Her leaning on the pageant look/ways (back biting/bullying) didn't help either. If she was more like Latrice (love!) in her confidence and likab-ility, she would've won

I'm very interested in what RPDR producers said to Jayden's mom. Did they out Jayden? Did her family know about the show? Did she come out her family before they called? Or did her family contact the show?

You are probably right. But it could be either one. RuPaul makes the final decision and she's been unpredictable all season. So why should the finale be any different?

Gonna have to disagree on that. The judges were tired of Ben's Minnie Mouse act early on.

Not to mention we find out in the last untucked that she and Ginger competed in pageants together. Why would Ginger not know that Kennedy and Sahara were drag sisters?

And let's not forget the crappy prizes. Handi-wipes and lotion from Jessica Alba? What did they do to lose Al and Chuck travel?

I'm ok with the top 5. Anyone of them can make the top 3, just as long as Katya wins.

Totally agree. Though she complained and moped about not being a dancer to pull focus, she performed very well on the main stage. She easily manipulates the judges and intimidates lesser performers. Ginger may have sabotaged Trixie because she knew she'd beat her in the lip sync.

Ginger is a back biting complainer who grabs the judges' attention with her acting. She's always pointing out her shape is a disadvantage but has used it to win 2 challenges. She knows how to play the game and will most likely be the first "big girl" to win Drag Race. Hate to say it but this season is Ginger's to

Would swap Fame, Kennedy and Jayden for them. At least Jayden's gone and Trixie's back.

Can't wait to see how shady Ginger will be toward her bitter Betty Kennedy.

I wish I could up vote this 100x.

I think it's better to bring her back now rather than during the makeover challenge (top 4) because she has more of a chance of staying. Jayden is hanging by a thread. If she is in the bottom 2 again, she will be going home.

I'm so over this season. They telegraphed Max's demise through the haters (Ginger/Kennedy) and didn't have the decency enough to give Max the face time they've given to others. yeah, we get that quasi meltdown on the main stage but that was just to paint Max as a weirdo who deserves to go home. Maybe untucked will

Completely agree with your points especially #1. Pearl's story line also reminds me of TKB's with the tough love coming from Bianca. I sense her path is near it's end.

Watched the videos on YouTube and can't believe Kennedy won that challenge. Even Jayden was funnier. Katya's tan mom had me laughing out loud. Don't agree with this week's decisions at all. On another note. Am I the only one who thinks of Wade from Noah's Arc when those Nasty Pig commercials come on?

Agreed. Patrick spoke as if he'd debased himself for letting Kevin top him. Being in love absolves his internalized shame. Kevin uses his love for Patrick to avoid the hard work of repairing a relationship. If Patrick hadn't opened the door for him at the party, Kevin would've moved back to Seattle with Jon. He