
One of the best mooglies I have ever seen.

"Looks like this troll's..."
[takes off sunglasses]
"...on ice."
[slips on ice, cracks head open like a melon on ice, oh the blood, oh my god the blood, so much blood and brains and vein tissue everywhere, Jesus Christ there are children here, oh his eyes - HIS EYES - one is looking right at me, oh dear sweet

I would feel some sympathy for the NFLPA if not for the fact that they are the most poorly run, spineless and gutless collection of tough guy athletes I've ever seen. There's a reason baseball players laugh at them besides the guaranteed contracts, excellent health and pension benefits and insulation from an owner

If anyone here is dismissing this as "too sensitive" or "lighten up" and is not black or has ever had some kind of relatable experience with natural hairstyles, please kindly shut up and find a shred of empathy in your life.

Let's be honest though, it wasn't really the beautiful game until Diskerud came on.

The emails with the attorney are clearly work product, and would never be contained in anything filed with or kept in a courthouse. Somebody stole/hacked this from Redick or the attorney. As a lawyer, that disturbs me greatly.