
I, for one, am proud of Miles Plumlee for earning entry into the hallowed Strip Club Mishaps Hall of Fame. Did not see that one coming.

I hate to say this Drew, but I enjoy reading your words. I don’t like hearing your dumb voice. I don’t like hearing Marchman’s dumb voice. Could you please provide transcripts?

I don’t know about that. You see a lot of prudeness, close-mindedness, and fear when certain progressives talk about video games, for example.

I’ve always thought that Dirk Nowitzki was born in the wrong era. Can you imagine being part of a Roman legion on the German frontier of the Empire circa 100 CE and having to take on a 7ft 245lb barbarian Dirk Nowitzki in close personal combat?

Well... Yeah, people like the Dead or Alive series lol.

And I think the fact that fucking feminists and shit who won’t even play the game but complain about it anyway is pissing people off.

Honestly in my bed with something else going on is one of the only ways I’m able to play these classic games they just tend to fit perfectly on the Vita.

Unless you get a stain on them, men’s jeans never, ever need to be washed.

I refuse to believe that y-inverters are human.

Seeing as the only times it pops up ads are when you’re at a dead stop, I think it’s a pretty reasonable compromise. If the ads really are that painful, Google Maps keeps carving closer and closer to Waze by the day.

This doesn’t make sense. If you didn’t know the PT was bad before you came to Jalopnik, how did you ever find Jalopnik?

For an American soccer crowd, these people are true trail blazers.

It was very loud in Providence Park tonight. Very loud.

I don’t even like the Timbers, but they have a hell of a home crowd. I was really impressed when I caught a game there in July

Oh, you don’t say?

Said crowd produced this display before the game kicked off:

Timbers are everything the MLS needs. Except maybe names. But maybe even not names.

Whoa, that’s an impressively noisy crowd they’ve got there, too.

This owner is an expert in power generation and grid design.

you mean using polite words doesn’t force people who are shits, into action?