
He must’ve been drinking some coarse grinds to get all that grit

Blatter released an early summary of his reform work:

Dad, get off the internet

of course i think the tsa keeps me safe

When told of ‘Melo’s plans to purchase the Puerto Rico Islanders, outgoing Hawks owner Bruce Levenson replied, “You can them?”

Or put in a pool that is only 6” deep rather than 6’. You still get the landscaping benefit with considerably less water.

These pace of play rules have gone too far.

the moment I see an ad pop up while I’m using my paid subscription to watch shows over any of my consoles, I’m canceling my service and going to Hulu

So... I cant be a transgender? Its 2015 and I have choices, there might be a law suit involved now. Thank you Kotaku for opening my eyes.

Ford “Eco Burst”

I thought her article was ridiculous, but how on earth do you students think the appropriate response is to see that she is somehow punished vis a vis title IX?

I’m a life-long feminist who at 34 is starting to feel very much on the outside of this tent. What the fuck are these student’s going for here?

What part of this current iteration of feminism do you most identify with? The policing? The intolerance to differing views? The clinging to victimhood? I see none of myself in it.


“My email isn’t working.”

As a resident of St. Louis, I feel confident saying that Sam probably dodged a bullet.

Yes! Yes! This person gets it. Wow a little logic on a board otherwise full of impotent and impudent rage is refreshing. It is indeed, not, over promising if that is what they were trying to achieve at that time.

Video format is alright, maybe good for better tidbits, but I personally prefer the original photo post style.