
“It’s really time we dumb down the pro game to the college level.”

Agreed. It went from quirky mystery to sub-standard melodrama in a heartbeat. 

That’s a disappointing to hear, even if I had already written it off. Thanks for the info. 

I have seen three different versions of the trailer since it was announced last year, each more disappointing than the one before it. I want to believe there were studio-mandated reshoots/edits, and I want to believe there is a “Snyder-cut”.

For everyone complaining about how $250k isn’t enough to afford an entire house, punch that 250k as a down payment into a mortgage calculator and see what your payment is.

Started my 11th playthrough of Fallout New Vegas in preparation for my impending Vegas vacation. 1d10 stat buy, randomized tag skills and perks, emphasis on bladed weapons. 

Dr pepper jelly bellies

>his 2007 take on The Mist

This sent me into a frothing rage with an obnoxious bartender a couple years back. Domestics were on sale so I ordered a local craft. I spent 5 minutes arguing about the craft before more domestic than Bud Light.

*curb your enthusiasm theme*

Love to see the A24 haters come out of the woodwork expecting some kind of silent validation for not liking The Witch or Hereditary.

I have the trilogy as well, I think the only thing that will be different will be multiplayer. Nobody plays right now.

My suggestion, Meg White. I think their sounds would mesh well.

I had gone years without remembering anyone made GT into a movie.

I’d get drunk and watch it on AS, certainly better than anything Tim and Eric do.

thicc af

This is going to end the same way it started, with every company having their own in-house delivery app.

Zaxby’s just came to my town and blows CFA out of the water. Guess which one still has a line into the street a lunch time?

Trump knows three things about Jackson. He was a populist, he hated the central bank, and he directly enforced the Indian Removal Act. Trump loves all that.