Actually, the US spends more on socialist medicine than Canada does. It’s just that we also tack on a boatload of capitalist medicine.
Actually, the US spends more on socialist medicine than Canada does. It’s just that we also tack on a boatload of capitalist medicine.
Let’s not forget about the Americans with Disabilities Act and some of his highlights voting on the right side of Civil Rights during his time in Congress. Dude did some shady shit at times but seemed to have his heart in a good place.
FWIW, these are the smallest fully rated ‘biners on the market. I love em:
Tendons really like eccentric exercises (ie, the lowering portion of a bicep or wrist curl) but most of the research I’ve read suggests that stretching doesn’t do much for tendonitis/tendinosis and in a lot of cases actually makes things worse.
If you’re really out of shape, focusing on pull ups places a lot of load on the pronator muscles in your forearms and doing too many of them too fast is going to give you golfer’s elbow.
It ain’t bad if you lose 500lbs of car.
There are 9 million college students in fraternities.
I would love to know which of these things are actually backed up by significant clinical research. I’m a rock climber and runner and have had tendon issues off and on over the years, and you will hear everything from “massage does nothing” to “massage is the key” to “stretching does nothing” to “stretching is the…
A million plus years of evolution as long-distance walkers and our feet don’t work right if they flex? I don’t buy that at all. Lots and lots of people do all their hiking with running shoes or even more flexible footwear.
I would take issue with using motorsports as a comparison.
For a more scientific rundown of EWG’s writeup, see here:…
For a more scientific rundown of EWG’s writeup, see here:…
I hear ya, gumby. Worst part is when some 13 year old girl comes along and makes it to the corner office in two big dyno moves because her rich parents gave her all the advantages.
At least this is happening while he’s alive and hopefully aware enough to know he’s going to be remembered for being a serial rapist rather than for his jello-jiggling-sweater-wearing schtick.
Vote: Spyderco Ladybug plain edge
Minor correction: Boker Wharcom. I’ve got both. The straight edge of the wharcom makes it a lot easier to sharpen and (IMO) cuts a bit better. Only downside to these guys is they’re pretty heavy.
Also worth noting that a huge chef’s knife is just about the safest knife you can use. A knife is really only stable when it’s got three solid points of contact. One at your dominant hand, another on the knuckle of your other (guide) hand and a third at the tip/belly of the knife on the cutting surface. It’s almost…
Bouldering is fun, but it also requires a LOT more upper body strength than top rope climbing so don't get turned off if you can't complete even the easiest problems. The big walls are mostly vertical, so your feet (should) take most of the weight. Bouldering is typically more overhung and you're hanging from your…
I discovered prana's zion pants when I started rock climbing and realized that, yes, actually all my other pants slightly crush my balls. Any pants that fit, at least. Having pants with a big extra stretchy gusset there is sort of the greatest thing ever. Hard to describe, but it's like they're floating on their…
This is terrible advice and exactly why people from cities get killed when they go somewhere more than a 5 minute walk from a starbucks.