It's easy to cast dispersions on gun owners from somewhere where cops are 3 minutes away and there aren't polar bears and grizzlies. Alaska is a special case and accidents happen. How many kids were still seriously hurt in a car crash today?
It's easy to cast dispersions on gun owners from somewhere where cops are 3 minutes away and there aren't polar bears and grizzlies. Alaska is a special case and accidents happen. How many kids were still seriously hurt in a car crash today?
Step 1: Put everything you own in a box.
People love them today a lot more than they loved them back in the day. I think most people with a hard-on for the Corrado haven't actually owned or driven one. They're cool to look at, but having lived with both, the idea that anyone would pay E30 or E36 money for a Corrado is totally baffling.
This feels pedantic, but there's really no such thing as grip. All corners are drifted to some extent. That's how tires work.
From an in-person spectator's perspective, it's an acquired taste. On TV, it's kind of hard to tell what the hell is going on at any given point. It doesn't really lend itself to sitting down for a couple hours with a twelve pack and just zoning out. The cars are cool to watch, but who knows who is leading?! It's…
Box flares make it an 1980's care, sorry. :)
Damn, son. You NAILED that one.
I wouldn't call a 911 an unlikely hero on snow. 911s have always been monsters in low grip situations, even before AWD. :)
For me it just took time and a little bit of self awareness about my mood. Wayyyy more than two weeks, to be honest.
As someone who could easily pack away 5000 calories a day if I just ate until I was full all the time, this is the only way for me to maintain my body weight. I stopped eating between dessert and dinnertime about a decade ago. 20 hours. Skipping breakfast takes a while to get used to. Going the distance to…
If people can't enjoy a little snow adventure now and then, maybe they should consider a job other than healthcare (says I in healthcare). Doctors, nurses, medics, cops, firefighters, garbage men, postal service employees and snow plow operators know what they're signing on for. Nobody is forced into this work and…
Did you see the rest of the photos? Perhaps there are props in those as well. Lots of props in portraits. Gotta have something to do with those hands or things get weird real fast.
Not to mention the fact that this story wouldn't have become an international story if it'd been a human child abandoned in a train station in Europe somewhere. Shit like that might be a local story, but that's it.
Do real farmers just dump seeds in tilled dirt and wait for whatever comes up, or do they use fertilizer?
Bad advice here. For god's sake, don't use the bowline if your life depends on a knot. It is NOT a good "mountain climbing" knot. Figure-8 (follow-through/on the bight/loop) or double bowline if your life depends on a loop. Screw up a figure-8 and it's secure but very difficult to untie. Screw up a bowline and it…
Does this happen often to you? :)
You must be fun at parties.
Building codes typically require a safety factor of 1.5 and are usually designed to about 2.0. Aircraft often go with ~1.5, which makes sense, because increasing the safety factor of a building doesn't come with performance tradeoffs. On an airplane, unnecessary weight is a pretty big deal.
Yeah, except their fatality rate per distance driven is equal to (or higher) than in the United States.