
Being an animal nerd, I have to wonder if calling a group of politically-active women hyenas is a reference to hyenas' matriarchal group structure and the coitus-foiling "pseudopenis" genitalia of dominant females.

Why do kids these days initiate handshakes with adults they have just met? I find myself put off by it. Shouldn't they wait to see if the adult offers first? I was raised to believe that offering one's hand to an adult was overly bold.

Your boyfriend is gay, lady.

And he's anti-vax to boot.

I imagine her smelling like that kind of sour booze smell that permeates the air around dive bars.


I knew it! Reproduction is a trap encouraged only by the most primitive parts of the brain.

Is this English? Am I high or are you?

I think you mean Rutherford B. Hayyyyy, Gurl.

I did a Spokane-Oakland-Anchorage-Okinawa-Philippines 13 hour slog in coach with an 8 hour hop the next day to Diego Garcia in the belly of a C141 but nobody called me humble/awesome. I must not be a prince.

There is something about a very spare, minimal shop with only a few items that makes me reluctant to shop there. I know my brain is supposed to think that they have very few items because each item is very exclusive but all I can think is that they can't possibly have what I'm looking for. Anybody else have this issue?

Not that they deserve semen-filled cupcakes, but I mean, if you're gonna accept homemade food from that girl that you treat like shit... Don't be so surprised?

I have been fired not once, not twice, but three times. Once was unfair, once was totally my fault, and once was just a bad timing/bad fit. I survived, but good Lord did I feel like a failure. You'll survive, you'll thrive, you'll be even better later. I promise!

I'm a 29-year-old introvert and I'm tired of pretending to enjoy clubs and other places with excessively loud music. Any suggestions on how to tell my friends this and not come off like I'm snubbing them? I really have no desire to meet anyone at 10 p.m. anywhere, I'd rather be home at that time :/.

I was hating hipsters before you had ever heard of them.

it would have been better if she had not said anything publicly about it for Dylan's sake.

I'm probably going to get flamed to hell for saying it but: What the hell do you expect? She doesn't know Mia, and she has known Woody long enough to consider him a friend, and feels some iota of loyalty to him. She is defending her friend who she thinks is innocent: so what? If you thought your friend was innocent of

I want to hate Diane Keaton and I just can't. I get where she's coming from. She's known Woody for what? 40 years or something? That's a long time. Sorry. Don't yell at me.

I do not understand the Cumberbatch love. Maybe because I am British so he's not exotic and his classism is a huge turn off.

Why shouldn't she believe her friend? I'm not saying that I side with Woody Allen. I'm saying she's eloquently explained that she knows Woody and not Mia. Is it really so surprising that she believes his account of the accusations?