
Completely agree. I'm not sure how she ever got any journalist cred in the first place.

A guy did this to me on a center of the street parking space once. I was almost all the way in and he pulls in JUST enough that I can't finish pulling in. I wait for him to move, he doesn't, he gets out of the car to tell me it's HIS space. I tell him "well, my car is old, and your car is nice, and I have a friend

The US Navy did 5 separate studies between 1915 and 1995 that reached the same conclusion: the best possible crew for a submarine would be an all-female one.

Clear evidence that men aren't ready to serve on submarines.

Which is amazing since it's a much better argument for why men shouldn't be serving since they can't control themselves.

It's soso sad, but also true. "Boys will be boys! Can't prevent those scamps from sexually harassing their peers!"

Oh lookit: Jenna and Barbara Bush, dressed all respectable like.

"I prayed for hours" is code for "I scrambled for support from my racist asshole buddies but even they side-eyed me and backed away slowly, so I finally got it through my thick skull that maybe this was a stupid idea and here is my insincere apology."

The Bush twins dressed far more appropriately for a spot at the bar when they went out underage drinking.

If your instinct is to attack two teenage girls simply because their father has a 'D' after his name, you have no business being a communications director.

I saw the Obama girls during that ceremony and laughed my ass off - my girls would have been doing EXACTLY the same thing. Dad jokes are lame. Did they look bored of out their skull? Yes. I'm sure they were. Did they look like they wanted to be basically anywhere else? Yes. I'm sure they did. Were their skirts too

Heartland Brewery has been a New York establishment since 1995. We have had several core beer brands since inception including Farmer Jon's Oatmeal Stout, Smiling Pumpkin Ale, Old Red Nose Holiday Ale and the recently-debated Bavarian Black Lager.

Lauten's press release mentioned that she prayed about this after all the backlash.

We would like to take this opportunity to promote our new lager: Judenbrau.

Whats weird is none of the black people in the story care at all. Its only the white liberals who are hyperventilating about how this proves that the U.S. is still stuck in 1962.

As an individual who happens to be part of two minority groups in the U.S., I get to say whatever the hell I want as long as I don't claim I'm the sole voice of either group.

Except that it wasn't actually racist. That's the big flaw in story.

I'm up for a "look how shitty white people can be" posts as much as the next member of an oppressed minority (I even got a two-fer!) but this is a huuuuuuuge stretch.

You would think anyone who works in marketing would just, as a rule of thumb, avoid the word "slave". I mean, it's just not worth it.