
Having lived in PG County I can tell you the police there are a joke. I lived in a decent neighborhood and regularly there would be groups of people just standing around in the parking lots smoking crack pipes. I called the cops once and I remember watching the cops just drive by the group slowly and not even bother

I'll take an Emma over an Apple, Uneeq, or Tiger Lilly any day of the week. Also saves me from being rudely 'corrected' that I'm spelling their name wrong (no, I'm spelling it properly, you just have terrible parents.)

I know so many fucking baby Emma's. It's called originality people!

For the cake. It is a well-documented fact that wedding cake tastes better than any other cake in the world.

Such an odd quote from, you know, a *professional actor*. (I hate her like poison.)

Omg, I loved Homefront!

IMO, going from Clooney to Slattery is definitely an UPGRADE. Rowr.

I actually like Clooney and think he's very attractive (that voice!) but it's a measure of how very hot John Slattery is that it's not even a contest for me. I have loved JS since he was on "Homefront" on ABC a million years ago. (Note: I think he was silver-haired then too; I had no idea that he was really only about

Eva has done great work regarding voting matters, but a masters degree doesn't make one smart.

I'm so happy I'm not alone in thinking John Slattery is outrageously attractive though absolutely too old for me. He is more attractive to me than Clooney. Clooney gives me the creeps!

Christ, I need to just stop with the entire Jezebel situation. I don't have the energy to keep up with ALL the things I'm supposed to be enraged about. This is a non-story. This "memo" is buzzfeed fodder and undeserving of any further *highly intellectual* cultural dissection by another Jez writer who has nothing

I hope you mean 1.5 oz of gin. Because I like to drink, and I feel like 15 oz would get me REALLY DRUNK. And I'd smell like a Christmas tree.

Future CEOs all of them.. This is how Corporate America Scum bags are bred! Looking forward to being disrespected by you in the future, as nothing will happen to you boys except moving on...

Great article Erin but you could have just said that they suffered from mass affluenza and will end up in cushy finance and law jobs or terrorizing their employees as middle-managers at their parents' companies.

This is not a liquid, it is a serum. And, their powders are not powders, they are minerals. And, these are not the droids you are looking for.

Bare minerals is ok makeup. Jane Iredale is amazing makeup. Both are mineral but Jane does it better

There is no way you didn't get compensated for this, with the thousand times you mention "bare minerals" and the fact that bare minerals doesn't seamlessly blend into your skin; it seeps into every fine line you didn't know you had,making your skin look older, no matter how little you use.

Yeah, it's like hello, people. It's not the Time 100 Best People Who Did the Best Things of the Year list. Joseph Stalin (twice!), George W. Bush (twice!), Richard Nixon (twice!), Vladimir Putin, Khomeini, Adolf frigging Hitler, and even "You" were all on the cover of Time's Person of the Year issue. It's okay that

If the US is willing to bar Nigella Lawson, based on the testimony of a pair of embezzlers, then the US can certainly bar this juvenile delinquent who engages in open drug use.

Prescott Bush actually funded Hitler through the Union Bank. Arnold Schwarzenegger's father was a Nazi officer, and Arnold himself admired Hitler. Does anyone care today, do they even know? Nope, republican apologists and gatekeepers look at you with their dead, fluoride riddle eyes, and scratch their heads at your