
I've heard blind items about an actress who will read the headline of a newspaper and try to work it in to conversations. Lots of people guessed her and I agree. She's pretty awful because she thinks that she a) is the most intelligent person in the room and b) thinks she's above the art form she chooses to

I, for one, appreciate your semantic quibble. But I am also one to rage every time someone uses 'schizophrenic' to mean multiple personality disorder. They are not the same, and I don't care if people on the internet think a general familiarity with the DSM makes me a pedant.

Did anyone else somehow not see the dog for a whole ten seconds or so?

"Satin" pretty much did me in, too.

Isn't The Importance of Being Earnest more like a seder? I've only seen the movie so I can't really tell.

I'd also like to know what veterinarian would conscionably declaw a bobcat.

Who declaws ANY cat, bob or no?!

But... It's Vogue's annual 'Shape' issue? They have several profiles of accomplished women of various builds and statures, so it fits with the theme. It's an essay about an accomplished woman who wrote an essay taking the fashion industry to task for failing women who were built outside the very narrow norms of the

Just a little semantic quibble of mine....

Also possible, in which case if it's a name like either of the Geldolf kids, that resentment is probably earned. I feel bad for the children of famous folks who feel the need to name their kids something asinine.

It's easy to be accomplished when your father is famous.

Like Oprah needs more money. She is showing herself to be as trashy as her counterparts.

Honestly, she would have been MUCH better off if she was sent to prison for at least a year. Living in a world where she never faces any consequences for anything but at the same time is basically being used by everyone in her life has simply encouraged super self-destructive behavior. Being forced to live according

If somebody's out on the ledge on the 20th floor, shouting "jump!" is an asshole move. Oprah's pretty much shouting "jump!" here.

I find Oprah's role in this kind of icky.

The best thing that could happen to Lindsay would be to vanish. Seriously, she needs to go away for two to three years. She has never had any sort of normalcy in her life, so it's totally unsurprising she lacks all basic ability to function.

I don't feel bad for them, they have it coming. It's not like they can't meet a woman where they live. They just one to have some young dependent and submissive wife that they can treat like shit because they paid for her.

Whew! I'm not alone in thinking that using a second-person point of view is completely avoidant and dodgy. It drives me almost as crazy as "mistakes were made" passive voice statements.

Maybe the thought it was going the wrong way before and has fixed it.

Nope, cat is still an asshole because now the roll is going the wrong way.