
It's not you. Bad violin playing and screaming babies are bullshit.

FWIW Lancôme has had black "faces" before, including current faces Arlenis Sosa Peña (pictured) and Jasmine Tookes. Perhaps Nyong'o is the first black celebrity Lancôme face, but we can recognize the models of color who've been repping for years, too.

It's regrettable how it's used sometimes, but it's a good product. When you're old enough to get an age spot, you'll understand.

but there's already the scent of backlash in the air

So, they are anti-vaccine. Thanks for providing another example. Second, I don't give a shit what someone "feels" when it comes to science. I "feel" like I'm going to win the lottery doesn't make it true.

Thanks for posting more from the NAA website. Now we are even more informed on the incorrect stance they take on vaccinations.

I don't understand what your words mean.

Yeah, yeah. We get it.

"any other normal childhood disease"—you mean like death, which used to be a normal childhood disease before vaccines came along?

He hit on a girl. She turned him down. He shut up. She posted it to Instagram to shame him.

@BGO: That thing was unwatchable! I tried! Damn, I tried. I love me some Elizabeth Moss, but, I gave up after about an hour and a half.

All you need to know is that if you watch Les Revenants first, all of the other media listed here will leave you feelings jaded and disappointed

I've come to the sad conclusion that I'm apparently the only human being in 2014 who finds the whole zombie phenomenon boring (and its popularity perplexing).

As someone who got whopping cough from a pair of unvaxxed kids I babysat during the outbreak in LA 4 years ago — THIS. Fucking THIS.

The evil bitch that lives inside of me really really wants all of these anti-vaxxers to get pertussis. Not, you know, those that might actually die, I just want them to suffer in pain for 3-6 months like I fucking did because people don't fucking vaccinate their kids and the fucking vaccine that I had wore off.

This makes me LIVID.



Oh my god. Photographs are dependent on light being reflected either on the surface of film or in the sensor of a digital camera. There is no bias. You just have to change the light for lighter and darker skin. That white guy doesn't look so good blown out of the picture either. If the effort isn't being made by

Don't know if I would agree with her assertion that it is a construct of white supremacy. Simply put I would argue it has to do more to do with demographics in the areas that it was initially developed. Along with the fact that any tone with a similar range (which would be a pretty large percent of the global

I'm always interested to hear what the NRA-types have to say in response to a mass shooting at a place where a lack of guns certainly wasn't an issue.