
Halle Berry is a notorious nightmare of a person. This sounds very likely.

Gwyneth Paltrow. She smokes pot supposedly, has two kids, and dated brad pitt who she co starred with in Seven. I think definitely, especially given her fairly polarizing comments recently on how normal 9-5 mothers have it easier than her.

sure if someone wants to run in a corset or a hoop skirt, that is their business. But if it gets marketed as a fun and empowering girl power trend, I reserve the right to be snarky. Are a lot of men running marathons in the equivalent of tutus in the name of empowerment and "boy power?"

Your comment is intelligent and level-headed. It has no place here. We need to concentrate on the person they offended and take our pound of flesh.

The inadvertently made fun of someone dealing with cancer, which is what they've apologized for. It's unlikely this whole thing would have been such a big deal if the women involved were just poked fun at for their dress and weren't doing it for a cause (though whether it should have been in this hypothetical scenario

have you run long distance? Because running in a tutu sounds pretty horrible to me. Scratchy, sweaty, chaffing, possibly taking layers of skin off your waist...,I guess you cannot say anything negative about ladies who run with cancer (because they are awesome) but running in a tutu is kind of ridiculous in terms of

You may mean well, but it's uninformed opinions like this that make people with acne feel so bad (in addition to just not being happy with the way their skin looks). A lot of people are just predisposed to acne, and it won't just magically go away if they simplified their make-up regimen or gave up gluten. Most people

Yeah, all that makeup she wears is probably why her severe acne began in the third grade when she didn't even wear makeup. Way to completely miss the point and make assumptions!

This is awesome. It's perfectly fine not to be beautiful, but I don't want to wear the badge of unbeauty on my face if I don't have to. My acne was a slow, steadily disfiguring presence in my life. I would love to see more recognition of women with skin imperfections, but regardless, this acne is not me. It's just

Did you hear her say her acne started in third grade? Acne is largely a hormonal condition, which is why it is prevalent among teenagers. Others of us (me! yay!) have a lifelong struggle with the condition, no matter how much makeup we do or don't wear. Do you think Ms Bankson would have gotten to the point of

"... robbed the place with a machete two weeks later." <—-funniest statement in this entire article.

I love spin class. Don't care.

The amazing thing to me is that the Goopster was having all these affairs and now that they are splitting it's all about him getting a milkshake with a model.

I've been drinking and the article made perfect sense to me.

Before the NRA members find this post and start inundating you with their cherry-picked statistics, I just wanted to let you know that the vast majority of people in the world agree with you.

The thing about guns, they are like a MURDER BUTTON. This would not have happened if she had a knife, I guarantee. With a knife or a hammer you have to be determined to kill or at least seriously wound. With a gun, it's just a button to be pressed with a twitch of a finger. Stories like this are why guns are so

When was this? You didn't hear about Coach on TV (I think Hilary from Fresh Prince mentioned it more than a few times)? Never seen/heard of Breakfast at Tiffany's? #wondering

I am the mother of a daughter who is, by every standard, fantastically successful at a very young age (under 30). The same is true of her husband.
Both had extremely mundane jobs on their resumes when they graduated from college (although they had some great internships as well). My SIL mowed lawns most summers. My kid

What if we replace it with "Bad Drivers" or "Math Whizzes"?

So you mean that the 2nd layer of satire was a bridge too far?